
I want to fight the russians in georgia?

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i want to go fight in Georgia against the Russians is there a volunteer army going to join the fight if so i want to go so please contact me




  1. you have downs syndrome so bad you probably have up, left, and right syndrome too.


    I suppose you could always go over there and start killing Russians by yourself, but it would be illegal, and the US would not back you up if you got arrested, captured, or killed.

  3. Take a deep breath and count to 10 and reconsider this nutty idea.  

  4. Get yourself over to the Eastern seaboard, sign up on a tramp steamer going that direction. And after you've made port, hitch-hike you way into Georgia. Shouldn't take you more than six months. Oh, and BTW, do you have any combat training in any aspect or are you just another keyboard Rambo. Shut up and go back to playing with either your XBOX or yourself.

  5. Why??? Russia was not in the wrong. You shouldn't want to fight someone that was only acting to protect others.

  6. The war is pretty much over for now. You'd be better off staying out of the conflict anyway.

    Russia must be stopped, but that can be done in other ways too.

    Little bit of the reality check for those who claim Georgia is at fault.

    In a big picture Russia started stirring things up back in 1990. Russia fueled national tensions and armed separatists, supplied money and military help when needed. All that was conducted on the territory of independent country which Russia recognized.

    I don't want to go to too deep into history, but according to the same history Georgians were on those lands since BC. Borders have changed multiple times through the centuries, but we entered 20th century with S.O. territory as Georgian land.

    I can't find a reference to Ossetian state in the historical sources so far.

    More interestingly there are no reported conflicts between Georgians and Ossetins until mother Russia took them both under their socialist wings.

    Either way, the reality is that USSR fell apart, S.O. was Georgian territory. S.O. separatists kicked out local Georgia population, which makes their claims about fairness and independence highly questionable.

    Finally, for 15+ years separatists kept shooting and shelling Georgian side with Russian peacekeepers sitting there and doing nothing except making sure Georgia didn't enter separatist territory.

    Starting aug. 1st separatists started daily shooting and shelling of surrounding Georgian villages. On aug 7th while separatists were busy shelling two Georgian villages Georgian army started  their attack.

    One day later Russia came to help separatists as usual. For the first 3 days Russia bombed S.O. with couple hundred airplanes to force Georgians out. So, whatever was damaged in S.O. Ossetins can thank Russian army more than Georgians. we all know how "precise" and  cautions Russians are in military and especially hostage  operations, as usual casualty rate  being 50% of the hostages they free.

    Once Russia took S.O. they went into Georgia and occupied half of it. For which there  is no justification, except that Russia felt the need to flex the muscle and apparently some looting wouldn't hurt heroic Russian soldiers as well. Youtube is full of the videos showing Russian soldiers stealing pretty much everything they can get their hand on.

    Justification for all this was yet another Russian/Ossetin lie about 2000 dead civilians in the area by Georgian bombardment  and genocide of Ossetins by Georgians.

    Which turned out to be a big fat lie. For 8 days Russians couldn't produce a single photo of 1600 dead they claim now.

    HRW and LA times and independent Russian sources all report the same number, 44 dead including military and civilians. Which is after 3 days of fighting in the city, that's when Russian bombardments were taking place, because once Russian aviation was in the air Georgian army couldn't do much.

    It is really cynical and disgusting how Russians manipulated those numbers to get some  sort of approval for their actions.

  7. If you're hoping for some sort of volunteer paramilitary that takes in Westerners like there was in Kosovo, you'll be disappointed.

    This comparatively small war is already winding up and will most likely be officially over by the time you'd get there, anyway.

  8. eh h**l no,  the reason u wanna fight Russian cause Georgia start the ****? why can't the Country stay their own land and live it and peace. oh yea USA is the one fault because all this happen is when US made a first nuke and bomb in Japan, is that never happen, and everything will be different. Nuclear Bomb should not be on our earth. God gave us to live on this plant and we insult it and destroy everything, i believe that world will be END.


  9. how bout you fight the urge to be a r****d

  10. georgia started it lol if a 4 year old kicks you in the shin do you shoot him lol  

  11. Well, you will be fighting the South Ossetians who have a right to live in the country they settled in the 12th century. Georgia attacked them. Russia saved them from Georgia and kicked them back out of South Ossetia. So you would be shooting at unarmed civilians like the Georgians did. Coward.

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