
I want to find my birth mother. Please help!?

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I was born on oct 30 1979 in Racine Wisconsin




  1. this site will tell you what you can do regarding opening records for the state of WI.

    You can not get any info from a hospital.  Any records that they have are for your birth mother and privacy laws (HIPPA) means you can not have access to them without her written permission.

    Register on as many sites on line as you can find and be sure to submit your info to

    they are the largest intl. reunion registry.

    good luck

  2. If you have any information on your birth mother, like her name, address, level of education, etc. that would help tremendously.

    Either way, go to and check it out.  There is a registry that allows birth mothers and adoptees to register.  Who knows?  Perhaps she is already looking for you?

    Good Luck and God Bless!

  3. it helps to no the hospital and as much about her

  4. Be sure you are ready for what you may find. The Picture may not be so pretty. My sister found her mother and she's just a Wh*&*..... and a huge liar. My brother also found his mother and found a depressed and bitter woman. Be ready for the not so rosy picture.....Goodluck...

    Check your adoption papers for any clues... Names and dates blackened out can usually be visable through a bright light behind the page...

  5. Please remember to think about your birth mother too, she may have a new life, and may not have told the people in it about you.

    Take things slowly as once you have met, there is no going back often it is easier to know who you are, where you come from and family history but that meeting isn't for you!

    (Yes I am adopted and have contact with my birth mother)  Good luck in your search!

  6. if you have any idea which hospital you were born in then go there they should be able to find  birth records of you (if information on you remains the same) and try to get your mother's or father's name and surname just explain the situation regarding your parents if the information is successfully research send out information pertaining to their whereabouts! "good luck high hopes"

  7. There are a couple of options that spring to mind immediately.

    First look on adoption registries (Google the term to find them) and register and look for your birth mother.  This is a good means to locate your birth mom.

    Another option is to seek out a private investigator & go with the information you have & have them start the search.

  8. I was adopted and when I turned 18 I went through a service called International Locators. It worked wonders!! At that time it was widely advertised on the Sally Jesse Raphal show. Good Luck!!

  9. I found my birthdaughter in 2001, she was not quite 30. It took a long time to make the decision to find her. I'm glad I did. I contacted the adoption agency and sent them a letter, if she had sent a letter, we would have found each other then, but she was not interested in finding me. I found a search angel and It took about a week. It has worked out pretty good. We have contact with her and had instant grandkids too. She does not call me mom and her kids do not call me grandma and that is ok with me. I know my place in the adoption line. Another writer had good avice, be careful what ya wish for, be prepared for the best and the worst. Good luck.

  10. try going to the hosiptal and they might have the birth records or go to the place you were adopted.

  11. Do you know your birth mothers name and the adoption agency?  Was it an open or closed adoption?  If it was closed then you'll have a tougher time finding her.  Just find out your birth mother's name and the adoption agency, go to the agency and see if you can find out some information that way.  Good luck, once I turn 18 I'm going to try and find my birth mother as well.

  12. You can Register with the Dept. of Human Services in

    Washington, D.C. in the office who does that, just in case

    someone is looking for you...

    Also, write a Dear Editor letter to the local newspapers in

    Racine, Wisconsin...and someone might contact you.

    You didn't give much information to go on.

    If you have any names or information,start with that.

    You can request that your Adoption File, be opened..

    and made Public Record too.

    If you know the name of your mother, and this would also

    be in that file, you can then go to Social Security Department

    and send a letter to her, via the SS Office...and they will

    tell you how this is done.

    As long as you know her name, the SS Office can tell you

    if she is still alive, but not where she is living...

    You place your letter in an envelope, unsealed, and sign

    a paper at the SS Office, and they can "forward the letter".

    Go to the nearest library and ask the librarian to help you

    find information resources, where you can Register your

    name, in case someone is looking for you...TF

  13. why would you want to find your birth mom?  

    the woman who raised me *is* my mom.  i would never want to hurt her or make her think that she wasn't sufficient for me.  she is the one that loves me.  she is the one that wiped the runny noses and tended to the fevers.  she is the one that cooked all the meals and baked all the cookies.  she is the one that did all the activities for my classes.  she is the one that went to all the PTA meetings.  she is the one that stayed up all night when i had the chicken pox.  she is the one that told me about the birds ans the bees and she is the one that tended to my broken heart during my teens.  she is the one that worked to put me through school.  she is the one that helped me plan my wedding.  she is the one that taught me how to be the best wife and mother i can be.  she is the one that spent a lifetime praying for me and worrying about me and cheering for me.  it takes more than an egg to be a mother.  often, it doesn't even take an egg.

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