
I want to find my father but i'm not adopted..?

by  |  earlier

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I want to find my father but i'm not adopted so i have no records of him and my parents never married. is there help for me? my mother won't give me any info. and my other family doesn't know anything about him. i only have a name, but it's a common name so when i go on a people search site a numerous amount of that particular name pops up. i don't know his middle name if he has one at all. i pretty much forgot what he looks like because i haven't seen his face since i was a very small child. i've been trying different sites but all of them are about the same. i don't have a lot of money for a private investagator or anything like that. please help. thanks




  1. Here is a good list of free people finder tips, searches and help to work with:

    People Search Tips --

    Live People Finder Help --

    White Pages --

    Free People Searches --

  2. His full name should be on your birth certificate.  If it is not, please try to encourage your mother to talk to you.  I cannot stress how important it is.

    My dad never knew his father.  He asked his mother questions and she would never talk about it.  He had hired a PI once with no results.  He has searched his entire adult life.  He is 66 now, and his mother died a few years ago, taking her secrets with her.  Now the only person who knew about him is gone.  She never appreciated how important it was to my dad to know.  Now his father is probably dead, too, but maybe if she had only told him about his father, he might at least have been able to find other family.  It hurts me that my dad will probably go to his grave never knowing anything about an entire half of his family.  No one should have to suffer that.

  3. If you can find a copy of your birth certificate, it should detail the name of your father. If it's not on your birth certificate, I suggest you remind your mother that you have a right to know your identity, and that of your father. It's not fair to let you live without even his name.

    It's her job to protect you as a child, but as soon as you're an adult, it's your prerogative to find out about him. Tell her you just want to know where you come from. It's a basic right, and I hope she realises this.

    Good luck to you.

  4. You don't which Country you are in - it makes a difference.

    Please edit your question and contributors to this site may be able to suggest possible sources for searching.

  5. If you were born in the USA, his name, age at the time and birth state should be on your birth certificate, which is a start. You normally get a copy of your BC when you apply for a driver's license. You could go to the county clerk and buy one now, if you live there, without your mother knowing.

    If you mom won't give you any information, there is probably a reason. He may have been  given a 40-year sentence for child pornography or drug dealing, for instance.

    You could try asking her "Look, I don't want to know about him, just why you refuse to talk about him. Please - is he in prison?"

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