
I want to find my sister whom my mother gave up for adoption in washington?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for my sister who should be between 16-18. I dont know much information about her or what adoption agency but I know it was in Seattle. I am 19 I have tried myspace but they may have changed her last name.




  1. try adoption search at if wrong i am sorry.good luck

  2. get online and choose one of the many online detective companies. they're like $20-$200

  3. I tried an organization called ALMA when I was looking but the thing is the person you are searching for has to registered also.

  4. Have you talked with your mother? Meaning maybe she can tell you what adoption agency she went through or what social services she went thru. I do think i should warn you that the journey you are about to go on can be very emtional. You may come up aganist many dead-ends before you find her. Not only that if you do find her, will she want to meet you? I'm not saying this to be mean. Sometimes it's a long and sometime painful journey. whatever happens the best to you!!!

  5. Sign up and search through as many registries as possible.  Always remember to keep your details up-to-date

    The largest and most successful is

    You will need to print of the form and mail it in.

    This one is very successful

    And ALMA

    Washington Adoption Reunion Movement is at

    Contact Washington State to find out if they have a State run mutual consent registry

    If she has not yet registered with the registries, don't lose hope - not everyone knows they exist. You may find a search angel helpful - they know the ropes and can guide you in  your search

    A PI can cost thousands of $ but may be worth looking into

    Good luck finding your sister!  keep checking myspace - lots of people have found each other that way.  Try searching by Date of birth, if you have it 'cos her  name has probably changed.

  6. I take it from your question that you can't get anymore information from your mother??

    If you can find out what year she was born - you can put your details onto ISRR (a reunion register) and if she also signs up there - they will match your details - and get in touch with you.

    Check out their website -

    There are some search wizzes who visit here - so hopefully more ideas will be forthcoming.

    I wish you luck.

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