
I want to find out a few things about my future life...?

by  |  earlier

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I would ask a sychic, but I don't want to be told too much info, I don't want to be ripped off, and I'm afraid that something might go wrong. By wrong I mean, some weirdo stuff that I don't want to be involved with. I'm a young woman who needs a clue, so that I have an idea of where I'm going and take the necessary steps to get there. I don't want to waste my time doing something that won't pay off in the future. What should I do?




  1. Well, you haven't really told us much about it, or posted a dream to be interpreted, but just as a general guideline, if you want to know your future, take a good look at who you are today.  You don't need to be a psychic to predict that if you are on the right course today, you will likely also be on the right course tomorrow.  If you're not on the right course today to get you where you want to go, then set out to recognize what the problem is, and correct it while you still can. Where do you want to go? Decide on that, and find out how to get there.  Go get a good education, high school plus at least 2 years of college, even better if you can get 4.  When I graduated from high school, you could still have a career with a high school diploma, these days that won't get you very far past "Do you want fries with that?"  You're concerned about your future, and thinking about your future, that in itself is a clue that you are probably on a good course, because you care about having a good future, and not just drifting along to see what happens.....The last part of your question seems to indicate that you are concerned in what would be a good and lasting career choice for you to shoot for in this most uncertain economic climate we are currently in; if you do a search on Yahoo for something like "10 best jobs" or something like that, you are likely to turn up a good many articles about it.  Try doing your searches in Yahoo Jobs, or Yahoo finance, and that may narrow it down and keep out entries for work at home schemes and such, and increase your chances of finding legitimate articles about it.  According to a couple of recent articles I've read on Yahoo, two of the most stable careers to go into right now are the health care industry, and anything pertaining to "green" innovations and technologies.  These are both growth areas at the present time, where other areas are slumping.  Money isn't the only thing though, I met a former Wall Street broker who was miserable, even though he was making a good living.  He travels the country, lives out of a van, and sells at flea markets now.  He's apparently happy with who he is, and the life he has formed for himself. Whatever you do, be honest with yourself about your skills and inclinations, realistically assess what you would be good at, and happy doing, while you are looking for something good to get into.  Be good, stay in school, stay off drugs, and don't let the guys distract you from getting a good education and getting established in a good job, and you will be ok :) Good luck....

  2. Everyone always wants to know what is going to happen in their future, but they must realize that their own future goes by in seconds, minutes, based on the decisions they make. Every decision, even deciding to go get a soda or get off the computer is your future. It may sound dumb, but every minute that passes is your future.

  3. Do nothing -- just let your life unfold naturally.  Be your own sweet self!

  4. you should go to a pshychic anyway and tell her/him that you just want to focus on the little things. Or You Can just read your horoscopes for the following days to know if something might go wrong.

  5. why is this in dream interpretation? nobodys knows what you should do with your life more than you, especially people on yahoo who have no clue who you are and what youre good at.

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