
I want to find out about adopting out my unborn child?

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I want to find out about adopting out my unborn child?




  1. Why?

    This is the place to start. It starts with you. Why, Are you sure, can you handl it, are you goint to change your mine, what are you going to go through afterward. What is the baby going to go through.

    Don't get me wrong, I believe in good adoptions, I think every child that needs a home needs a good home, but as a woman who went through this with no idea of what it was going to do to me, I want you and every other woman considering relinquishing to be fully prepared for what is involved. I have heard it said not to enter an adoption plan until the baby is born. Sounds like good advise, I wish someone had mentioned it to me. I have a great relationship with my daughter now, but it isn't a mother daughter relationship. We are grown friends. That's okay, as every good relationship between a mother and daughter should evolve into a good adult friendship. But there is a lot of hurt and loss that we can never get back. My daughter got lucky, she got good parents. I got lucky my daughter found me.

    You need to do a lot of reading before you make any decision. You need to read about finalization of adoption, foster care, return of a child, separation anxiety, opened vs closed adoption, abandonment issues, attachment disorders, and a whole host of other things that go along with adoption.

    I'm not trying to scare you, I'm trying to give you as much info as possible in order to make an informed decision. Something I never got.

    Good Luck

  2. A lot of agencies will make their prospective adoptive parents create websites.  So these people saying not to find someone online are not correct.   Just be cautious.  Make sure that somewhere on their website they have a link or the name of the agencies they are using.

    Agencies do all the hard work for you.  They will do the background checks, make sure they make enough money, do a homestudy etc.  

    Good Luck !

  3. The internet is a super scary place for a potential birthmom.  Try your local agencies.  Look under "adoption" in the yellow pages and "interview" some agencies.  If you post on the internet you will get spammed with desperate adoptive parents.

  4. Yes do not find someone online. You will need to find an adoption agency, look in your local phone book or do a Google search.  You will also want to get some counseling from someone unbiased. Someone who will lay all your options out on a table the good and the bad. Any agency you do find try and do some research on that agency before even contacting them.

  5. i would consult a lawyer they know way more about the aspects of how you will have contact or not and if adpotive parents will pay for dr visits and such. i would ask around for a good lawyer

  6. Rule #1 - do not choose adoptive parents on the Internet.

    The first thing that you need to do is read this booklet for women considering adoption:

    For help to find ethical adoption services contact:

    Please take care of yourself and be well.

  7. Contact an agency or catholic social services they can help.

  8. I'm with grapegum.  Check out her links for CUB's resources.  CUB is an organization made up of people who have given up their children for adoption, so they know something about it.  

    Take your time and get counsel from trusted people in your life, such as parents, clergy or a counselor about your various options.  It's a big decision.

    Whatever you do, if you decide to go with adoption, don't find or respond to anyone on the Internet who says they will adopt your baby.  It's extremely unsafe.

    Good luck to you.

  9. Here is a website to get you started. The website talks about the legal aspects of adoption. It has the different types of adoption, parent profiles and will also give you a local adoption agency. They have profiles for people of all different religions. It's a good place to start.

  10. i was adopted and my heart still aches from it.  i have a wonderful husband and son, but i will never really get over the sadness of being adopted.  i dont know why you would want your baby to grow up without its mom. its like being blindfoulded and left in a dark room.  you and your babies life will never be the same.

  11. Contact an adoption attorney.  You can find one on the internet at

    You will not be charged anything. The costs associated with the attorney will be paid by the adoptive parents when they adopt.

  12. What exactly is the question?

    You have actually made a statement which is against the rules

    Please edit your post and ask the questions that you need to ask

    How far along are you

  13. The best thing for you to do is to contact an adoption lawyer.  This is no cost for you because the fees are paid by the adoptive parents.  Also, the prospective parents are very well scanned to ensure the child is going to a good home.  This is called a private or independent adoption.   You will make the decision as to who becomes the parent of your child.

  14. Okay, the Internet is SO not the worst place to find people to adopt your baby. I I know of a LOT of agency's that put profiles up online so it is easier for you to decided. Why not?

  15. It is not possible to "adopt out" your baby that is still using your body, mind and soul to grow into someone who will be forced to learn to live without you.

  16. Please email me I work at a hospital and would love to help you with this.  Please think very hard about adopting and be sure it is something you are willing to do and be sure it is the right think for you child.

  17. You need to go to the yellow pages and find a good CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER...

    DO NOT go to an adoption agency...because while I'm not anti-adoption and often feel it is the better of the options for all concerned, their goal is to adopt babies...that is how they make their money.

    Go to a crisis center tell them how you are feeling, speak to a counselor there.  They have nothing to gain if you keep your baby, they have nothing to gain if you place it up for adoption.

    DO NOT follow through on anyone through the internet.

    Also, while I support adoption and if that is what is best for you and your baby ignore the anti-adoption people.  Do what you feel is best...but you are only 7 weeks...the baby doesn't even feel real may change your mind when you feel it move or see it on an ultrasound.

    Don't get me wrong, I think it is a wonderful choice if that is REALLY what you feel is best.  Right now you're scared, and that is ok...don't make a decision now.

    Call a crisis pregnancy center right away.  A good counselor will not push you either way...if you feel that they are...go someone else.

    Also, is there a family member you can speak with?  You may have more support than you think.

    God bless you!

  18. be very picky. find that baby a wonderful safe life. the lds church has an amazing adoption agency that they place the baby not just in lds homes but in all religions . My friend went through them and it was a very positive experience. good luck

  19. is a really good site for information.  There are a lot of things to read and it is full of information for a mother in your situation.  I don't necessarily think this is a place to choose a family but it might give some answer or information.  Best of luck.....!

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