
I want to find out about past-life regression.Can anyone give me any good info?

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I want to find out about past-life regression.Can anyone give me any good info?




  1. before you are born and you choose your parents you meet people from a pastlife that you have never known and to come to a place where everything is new(EARTH) you began to understand thing and there is a 50/50 chance that you meet someone from your pastlife. i know i have.

  2. See the links below.

    I can tell you that past life regressions like hypnosis in general has been useful in treating certain phobias. Past life regressions are not great evidence for reincarnation for many reasons (finding supporting documents is difficult and patients openness to suggestion under hypnosis).

    If you pursue this I and others would certainly like to hear about your experience.

  3. There is no reason to believe PLR is anything more than invention of a story by a person who is in a highly suggestible state.  *If* you can be hypnotized the "guide" will ask questions in such a way as to encourage you to invent information about past lives.  No one has ever been through PLR and provided any concrete, testable evidence to support PLR.

    There is no reason--much less evidence--to think anyone has lived before.  This would require the existence of a soul or spirit--something else which we have no evidence of.

    I would encourage you to concentrate on things that are tangible and understandable.  Don't waste money on people who are just out to fleece you.

  4. "Good" info?  No.  It's all the product of imagination

  5. You really need to have an expert hypnotist to do this. You are in a very vulnerable state whilst under hypnosis, so it is best that you go to a reputable person that someone has referred you to.

    I had a short past life regression when a medical professional did a demonstration for our local spiritualist church.

    It is a strange but pleasant experience. He told me before he started what he intended to say in order to regress me, and also told me how he would bring me out of the hypnosis.

    Whislt under hypnosis I felt extremely relaxed to the point of heavy, so heavy that my bottom felt as if it was going through the chair. My arms too were extremely heavy, and floppy, and my eyelids were so heavy and closed.

    I could hear what was going on around me. He asked me to tell everyone what I could see in my mind, it was hard to think, and I spoke very slowly( as I could hear myself speaking,but my mouth would work as fast as normal). He then said just tell me what you see. I saw myself being born, and coming out into bright light, no pain.He asked me to describe the feeling.I then saw myself as a child, and then as a young woman, but not in the clothes of the period I was born to now. I was  in a long victorian style brown dress with a long pinny, and my hair put up on top, and working in a great big hot  old fashioned kitchen. He asked what my name was, and how old I was, and where was I. I then went onto another life, that I saw myself as a man dressed in brown again with a collarless shirt on, and big hobnail boots. I  apparently got distressed with my breathing, and with tears, as I felt that someone who was opposite me was endangering my life.

    At that point he brought me out of the hypnosis quickly.

    At all times he never suggested anything to me, only asked what I saw and felt.

    Afterwards I felt really fresh and relaxed.

    I would love to go for a longer session, but this man was only visiting from the Midlands, and I do not remember his name.

    I hope you enjoy your regression.

  6. I had this done twice now. The first time i "shut down" and was not successful, but the second time was quite different. You need to find a good therapist that you trust ( I had already had a few development sessions with mine) and you feel completely comfortable with. It's very interesting.....couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth. You are very aware of everything around, most surreal!    this is the guy i use. x*x

  7. Ask this question in the Seniors category under cultures and groups and you will find some excellent reports.

  8. Past life regression is a way of accessing information that seems to come from previous life times by journeying into one's past lives while hypnotized.   I've tried it 3 times and all three times I was unable to access it because I was one time unable to relax enough to be hypnotized and the other 2 times because I was fearful to cross over past one lifetime.





  9. I'd firstly recommend this book, it is one of the best I have read on this topic:

    If you'd like to do a self-hypnosis, this is pne I think is good, it's a book with a CD:

    But if you want to go to a therapist, make sure she/he is good,a good therpaist can make all the difference.


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