
I want to find out about the effect of some chemicals that control mosquito's and there effect on the environ

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I work for a Extermination company and we use certain types of chemicals to kill insects. Mainly mosquito's.We sometimes mix these chemicals and I need to know what effect they have not only on Insects but the enviroment and humans alike.They are called RIPTIDE and LIQUID GOLD.Sometmes I have to breath these chemical during a systems test are have these systems blowing mist on my skin which burns most of the time. Espesialy when we fog someones yard it getsall over you.And I'm doing this work in 100 degree weather.




  1. To legally work or spray any type of chemicals for an exterminator company you must be licensed…  If you have not been trained and have your pesticide license from the state you are not only risking your heath and safety if not your life but both you and the company are subject to the law if anything happens …. No amount of money is worth what you are risking to your heath or those around you, be it family or future off spring and the damage that all pesticides do….,

    THIS STUFF KILLS THINGS!   It is not something to play with if you are not trained to work with it safely!

    I hope that it is not to late for you and your heath , …

  2. All chemicals come with MSDA sheet, Materials Safety and Data Sheet telling you what it is and precautions.  Here's the one for Riptide:

    Here's an important part of the above:

    HANDLING: Take prudent precautions to avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Mechanical ventilation

    should be used when handling this product in enclosed spaces. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mists of this

    product. Wearing a respirator is not normally required when handling this product, but recommended in the

    absence of proper mechanical ventilation. Do not contaminate water, food or feedstuffs, by storage, handling,

    or by disposal. Read and observe all precautions and instructions on the label.

    No way you should be getting this on you.  A respirator isn't required if it is being sprayed correctly.  

    As to it's effect on the environment, this isn't as bad as what was used before.  Plus you have to counter this with effect mosquito borne illnesses cause.  

  3. look up a chemical called pyrethrin. This can cause skin and respiratory irritation.  

  4. I'm sorry. =( Shouldn't your company know about the products you're using?

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