
I want to find out if there is skills training for the illetirate of people without a high school education?

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can a person with a grade 4 aducation get formal training as far as skills training and development is concerned? is there a school or an institution that offers that or a government institution that can equip them with a nationally recognisable skill that can enable them to be employed in the private sector




  1. If you are in the US, contact Vocational Rehabilitation or a community college to pursue further education for this individual.

  2. You don't state what country you in, but most adult educational centers offer support for students with literacy issues.

    If your in the USA then contact the local community collage or adult training/education centers.

    If your in Australia then contact TAFE as they have some really good courses that are nationally recognized, which are set by the industry skills council, which means you gain qualification relevant to the job. And they also offer classroom support and tutoring for those who need extra support.

    I myself could not read until I was 14, due to dyslexia. And failed high school, hence my job prospect were very poor. When my daughter was diagnosed as being dyslexic, I went back to school and I am now a Youth & Disability support worker and sessional teacher.

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