
I want to find out more about dyslexia?

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I have recently been diagnosed with dyslexia. I’m dealing with it, although I am pis sed off about having it. However it does explain a lot of my academic problems. The thing is although I am finding a lot of information about the biology and genetics of the difficulty I am not really finding much support or resolutions; which I think is what I am really after.

Can you point me in the right direction?




  1. The best place to start would be to speak to an Educational Psychologist, they can teach you strategies to put in place to help you with certain events, they may also be able to refer you to other specialists (e.g. behavioral optician) if they think there other things behind the dyslexia.

  2. Hi,

    Please don't be angry at having Dyslexia - millions of people have it and it doesn't mean you are thick - they are many celebs in the media world whom too have Dyslexia.

    I know a little about Dyslexia due to my nephew just recently being diagnosed.

    He has different coloured paper - like see-through sheets with tints so he can see words better.

    He also getting some specially made glasses with colour tinted lenses so he can see text better that he is reading,

    Have you contacted the British Dyslexia Association?


  3. yesh ud oculd try oogling ti.


    i searched a lot and found this to be the most beneficial without paying for it. good luck.

  5. Dyslexia is a learning disability that manifests primarily as a difficulty with written language, particularly with reading and spelling. It is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction.

    Evidence suggests that dyslexia results from differences in how the brain processes written and/or verbal language. Although dyslexia is the result of a neurological difference, it is not an intellectual disability. Dyslexia occurs at all levels of intelligence, average, above average, and highly gifted.There is also a change in judging speed and distance.

  6. 1. Start with by changing your attitude towards your condition. We must stop thinking of dyslexia as a problem and develop the idea that we have been given a rare gift.

       2. Understanding the frustration you feel and using this energy to your advantage will be the key to your own success.

       3. Accept that you are not like everyone else and stop trying to imitate what they do. You are unique and your brain is wired differently.

       4. Realize you are not stupid, slow, or unintelligent. You are gifted, creative, and think outside the box. Only dyslexics have this unique view of the world.

       5. Embrace technology -- it is the best friend of the dyslexic. You can make a computer work like your own brain and not have to follow everyone else. It will write for you, read for you, spell for you, calculate for you, and above all not judge you.

       6. As they say: "A picture speaks a thousand words." Pictures and imagery are easier to understand than words. Try using pictures in place of words. Shapes or colours also work well. By assigning a word to a shape or giving it a color, you can remember how to spell, say, or use that word.

       7. Be creative! Play with your mind. Work out your own language that works for you and with practice you will be able to learn more easily while taking in vaste amounts of information. When you get good at it you can teach yourself anything.

       8. Do not give yourself a hard time for not picking something up straight away. You will find a way if you are creative.

       9. Music is a useful tool as the mind learns sounds before words,so using sound to learn.

      10. Try learning at night. You may find you can concentrate better in the night hours than day hours.

      11. Repetition is pointless. Dyslexics learn holistically, or all at once. We don't need to have things drummed into our heads when we understand.

      12. When you fail to understand anything, breathe. Try to still your mind, then focus on the feelings going through your body and push this energy up your spine into your head. See your problem in picture form, act the problem out and you will find you can do it easily.

      13. Never try and force your mind to work. If you are not in the mood then relax and wait. You will be in the mood to work sooner or later. Pushing yourself will cause undue stress.

      14. Anything can be learned with this system from advanced computer networking protocols to working the washing machine. Believe in yourself and you can do it.

      15. Help others around you (teachers, parents, co-workers, spouses) understand that you think and learn differently. It will help them to help you. It can also prevent conflicts that come from this disconnect.

    [edit] Tips

        * There is a way to solve every problem, you just have to find the solution.

        * Think outside the box.

        * Don't be afraid to fail or to be different.

        * Don't get frustrated, learning to meditate may help here.

        * Remember, you are not on your own.

    [edit] Warnings

        * Don't get mad at the people who don't like the way you do things. They probably just don't understand.

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