
I want to finish my senior year of high school in Florida but i live in nyc. My mom says she WILL NOT let me

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move to orlando. The reason i want to finish school off in florida is because me and my cousin are planning to get an apartment together and go to the same college. My mom is being a total b*tch about it. She keeps saying no. Im already 18 so i can leave if i want to. My mom thinks she can plan my life. Its not her future BUT MINE! But i dont want her to be mad forever. What should i do ? How can i convince her to let me move with my cousin in Orlando ?




  1. She is saying no because she loves you. why would you want to leave all your friends your senior year anyway? just curious my daughter is a senior and if I told her we were moving even to a mansion in hawaii she would fight tooth and nail not to leave her friends her last year in high school. I think there is more to this story as a mother

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