
I want to fly and get a degree but its too expensive.?

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I'm currently enrolled in a university flight program. The program is great, I am allowed to major in something other than aviation, and still attain my ratings. My main concern is my debt. For me to finish this program it would cost me another 70 thousand dollars, and i would only have my CSEL License. I would still have to borrow more for the ME, CFI, CFI-I, MEI.

I have seriously been considering leaving the University and attending an accelerated flight training program. Once hired Flight Instructing or even as a First Officer (depending on the Industry) I would finish my degree online.

This is not my preferred course of action but i feel its an attainable method for me to accomplish my career goals while reducing my potential debt.

I would really appreciate the opinion of others in my decision.

Thank You.

My Background: 2.5 Years of College, PP-SEL around 100 hours of flight time with about 30 PIC. 30 thousand in debt




  1. Would it be cheaper to get the certificates and ratngs at local airports--not through the university's program?

  2. Your first mistake was the big school! You would have been done by know if you would done it at your local airport (if your in the US). Big schools are a total waste of money! Yes you get some good stuff from them but you will get mostly debt. Your first jobs you will be lucky if you do not go into bankruptcy cause they pay so bad. For 30K you would have been all the way done if did it at your local airport!!!!

  3. Stay away from embry riddle

  4. If you want to fly, fly. Spend as little as possible on a degree. The airlines could care less. I don't even understand why so many require college. Use the money you save adding ratings. I just retired from a fabulous career with only a high school diploma so formal education is obviously not a necessity exept where airline human resources idiots are concerned. Never understood that.

  5. First of all finish your degree. Go to a local FBO, most will get you done as fast as you want to for much less than a university program. You could always get your CFI while you are still in school and try to instruct on the weekends. Also most of the regional airlines are not hiring right now so its a good time to finish school. Whatever you do don't go to Mesa, worst mistake I ever made.

    good luck

  6. Hi,

    I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58% .It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

  7. $70k seems like alot, but its not much at all compared to most degrees, and the payments arent bad at all.

    Dont give up just because it looks like a big number, it will more than make up for it in the long run and the payments should be more than reasonable for what youll be earning even at a regional.

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