
I want to format my laptops Hard Drive, but theres a potential problem...?

by  |  earlier

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I want to format my laptops Hard Drive, but theres a potential problem...

I have no re-installation disk for Windows XP, which means that once my hard drive is formatted I'm stuck without an OS.

Is there a way for me to create an installation disk for Windows XP from the copy I have already installed on my laptop, like a back-up version or something?

Keep in mind that it would probably have to be bootable too.

If there isn't a way to do that, any alternatives and suggestions would be welcome.




  1. What is your computer model and how old is it. You probably have a recovery partition. Create your recovery disks if so and then reinstall your computer using those disksk. To learn windows hacks visit my website. The link is in my profile.

  2. why why why???

    what is making you want to do the absolute last resort when nothing else works thing?

    my 11 computers have never had their hard drives re-formatted  there is no reason to do it

    how did you get a computer with no OS dvd?

    you could turn your computer into a door stop

  3. I do not believe there is a way. BUT Linux I believe is free-open source and you may download that off the internet and burn to a disk to where it would be bootable. you could just get windows xp for free, but depending on what country your in it may be against your laws.

  4. Was the xp on your laptop installed by the manufacturer?  If so, you should be able to create a recovery set.  Look at your doc or the mfgr website.

    Otherwise you could try to purchase (or borrow) an XP installation disc and use your license key.  Then you'd just have to find the drivers for your hardware.  If it were me, I'd download the drivers and put them on a cd/dvd before I started.

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