
I want to fundraise for a charity in Australia. Any suggestions? ?

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I want to fundraise for a charity in Australia. Any suggestions? ?




  1. Collect items from the community & sell on ebay for the benefit of the charity.  Make sure that this activity, or any other you plan, fits into the guidelines of the charity.

  2. Based on my experiences to run a collegiate student organization, I will suggest the followings

    1) Weekly food sell (any kind) or car wash, but you have check with local health organization to see if you need permits.

    2) Write grants to acquire donations from neighborhood, school, or (the purpose of charity) related stores. This will take good writing skill as well as public presentation skills.

    3) Write a proposal to school in order to host an event (such as dance nights). Invite DJs or musicians who would be interested in and are popular among the community to play for the event. You, as the host, can ask for donation. This also requires great communication skills and connections.

    These are the three things I have done. The first option is the easiest, but has the lowest return rate. The other two requires lots of work.

    Good luck.

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