
I want to get Pregnant right away after my miscarriage is that okay?

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I miscarried on Monday and the only thing i can think about is trying right away after i stop bleeding. Everyone is discouraging my husband and I from trying. I made up my mind that i want to try right away but my husband isn't 100% on board.

Should i wait or should i got with my heart and try right away?




  1. You should really give your body time to heal.give it at least 2-3 months or how the doctors say it'' 2 full cycles''. i had one june 25th 2008 and it's hard waiting all that time but it will be worth the wait for you and your future pregnancies.oh and stay on your prenatals if you were taking any.

  2. I've personally been through a miscarriage myself. And although I so sad about losing my baby, I knew exactly what I wanted. They say that a very fertile time in your life is directly after a loss. I lost my baby in January of 05, and found out I was pregnant February 05. I see nothing wrong with it as long as your ready. It's not up to others what you do, and it's not up to them to tell you what to do. That is totally up to you. Best wishes and I hope you get pregnant super duper soon!

  3. I think once your cycle starts again, I think it would be okay for you to start trying again. Your cycle starting again is your body's way of saying, " Okay, I am healed now, and ready to get pregnant again!" LOL. I completely understand you want to be pregnant again. Was it an early miscarriage? If so, then it would be safer to start sooner than if you miscarried later then 3 months. I am sorry for the loss, I hope you and your hubby have the son/daughter that I can tell you really want. Good Luck And TONS of baby dust to you!!

  4. you need to wait till your bleeding is finished and have 1 regular period before falling pregnant then you know for sure that all traces of the foetus are no longwer inside you

    as if there are any traces left behind it can cause a further miscarrage

  5. its probably best to wait at least 2-3 mo. you should talk with your dr. about it though.

    *i am sorry for ur loss>*

  6. well the thing about miscarriages its a very sad time and if you truly feel in your heart that its the right thing to try again right away then you should. and if your partner is not on board then explain whats going on in your head. but i see no problem with trying again as soon as you are both up to it..

  7. I am sorry for your loss. I know it must be hard on your and your husband. You two should decide what is right for you and use your hearts. I have a friend who miscarried and then was pregnant again literally in about 3-4 weeks. She is now over 5 months along and the baby is very healthy. Good luck to you!

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