
I want to get a 20 gal aquarium and fishes but i dont want my fishes to have babies?

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any suggestions?




  1. it is very rare that the fish breed, and if you have other kinds of fish, they will actually eat the eggs... so no worries. no babies for you.

  2. This is simple, get fish like neon tetra,corydoras,oto or some tame catfish, go with tetra most of them are very hard to breed. Fish like guppy will have babies easily

  3. Even if they have babies, without a proper spawning tank, the parents and other fish will just eat the eggs, so you have nothing to worry about. Just wondering...what type of fish do you plan on keeping? Also, don't forget to cycle your tank!

  4. all you have to do is not buy livebearers. (guppies, mollies, platies)

  5. get male fish. and alter the pH of the water. you need a specific pH for fish to breed. don't get cichlids because they breed like rabbits and most are agressive.

  6. Well livebearers are out of the question as most likely they come home pregnant unless they are very young when you get them.

    I would go with tetras, there's LOTS of kinds. Or you could get 2 goldfish, they most likely wont breed unless you provide the right conditions.

    There's alot of choices, Dwarf gourami's, Pleco(Algae eater), cherry barb... the list goes on and on!

    Good luck with your new fish!

  7. yer wll fish arnt like dogs u cant keep them split up but if there are differnt fish aswell the others probably will eat them so dont wory

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