
I want to get a beach volleyball court in my that a good idea?

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I want to get a beach volleyball court in my that a good idea?




  1. If you play a lot of volleyball and have the room, then I say go for it.  Just know that it takes a lot of maintenance to keep those looking good.  There will be plenty of weeds and sand needs to be replaced.  You just gotta weigh your options.

  2. heck yehh

    dude that would be baller haha


    just be carefee of the kittiess

    they might c**p in it... haha

    so jsut be careful!!

    invite ur friends and WOO partyy

    best of luck. my wishes toya.!!

  3. Well it depends on how big your backyard is. And it has to have a pretty good amount of sand that way it be like a beach.

    It would also be expensive because of all of the sand, the net, and the space you would have take up for it. Well that is alot of mu la!! But you seem like the type of person that really loves volleyball, so look at the expenses and space then decide for sure!!

  4. First, you need to make sure you have enough room and nothing nearby that could cause problems (trees, busy roads, fences to lose balls behind etc.) A good sand volleyball court is not very cheap, so you have to weigh how much you can afford to spend compared to your projected price. Then you will also need to see if you will use your court enough to justify spending that much money. If you still want to get a beach volleyball court after all of those questions have been answered, then by all means go ahead and build one.

    Also, think about getting a tarp(s) to cover your court. This will discourage kitties, weeds, and if you live somewhere sunny (I live in Florida) prevent the sand from getting too hot to stand on.

  5. thats the best idea ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. A sand volleyball court?

    Yeah! I'm getting one! It's a great idea! It's so much fun to play on those courts! And having one in your backyard is just awesome!

  7. yah if you like volleyball, i have one

  8. depends on how much you play, and your backyard!

  9. if you have enough room and you play a lot

    might as well

  10. That's a great idea.  If you want a a pro-quality court here's how they are made.

    A layer of perforated drainage pipe buried in a  1 ft thick layer of gravel is your base (place each pipe 8-12 inches apart, the closer  together the better it will drain).  Cover with landscape fabric and cover with two feet of sand.

    If done correctly, maintenence is very low.  (other than raking the courts!)

    My personal tip is to rent a backhoe or bobcat, it's too much to do on your own.

  11. h**l yeah... if you have the space then thats totally cool. Good luck

  12. You need a 50' x 80' area for a sand volleyball court if you choose to play the "old style" dimensions of a 30' x 60' court. This gives you a 10' area on all sides to chase balls. If you want to play by pro standards, subtract about 3' from each end and 1.5' from each side.

    If you have time, visit  because they have a lot of GREAT info for you.

    Standards, netting, and surrounding fences are important options to look into as well - and REALLY REALLY important is to get beach sand or sandbox sand WITH NO ROCKS!! Get the finest stuff you can for the money you want to spend...and dig at least 18" deep for good drainage.

  13. Not if you have cats in your neighborhood...say hello to their new litter box.

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