
I want to get a betta fish and I have a few questions.

by Guest57319  |  earlier

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I plan on getting a betta fish later today. I've decided on either the Eclipse 3 aquarium or the Eclipse 6 aquarium. Would the betta fish actually benefit more from the Eclipse 6, or is it just more room? Also, can anyone give me an exact list of whatever else I'll need, besides the obvious, like the fish, food, gravel, and decorations. Thanks.




  1. just remember not to put it in with any other fish

  2. any tank over 2 gallons

    small filter


    water conditioner

    betta food

    live plant


  3. i would plan on getting the 6 gallon if you're going to put him in with other fish. I don't know what the post above me was talking about, when they said "remember not to put him with other fish". Betta's can be very compatible with other tank mates, such as african dwarf frogs or even ghost shrimp, they also can do well with neon tetras, as long as the fins of other fish are not too flashy and brightly colored to provoke it.

    If you are going to be using spring water then I don't think you'll need betta conditioner, but if you're using tap you're going to need a de-chlorinator.

    Get a heater as well, they like warmer temps, and some live plants such as the java fern which they love to hide in.  

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