
I want to get a bike but my dad is too over protective?

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i am 12 years old right now and i want to get a motorcycle when i get my liscence but my dad is so over protective about me getting in a car crash or flying of the bike i know its dangerous but i am sort of an adrenaline seeker and i love thrills. please give me ways to convince my dad to let me get a bike, he is fine with it but i have to wait till i am 21 and i want one as soon as a turn old enough. help me. (p.s. i am a dude.)




  1. Well 1st off i don't think you convinced many of us. But you can find thrill's on a bike & you can die (people die on bike's everyday) Just one good wreck will be all it take's for you to RESPECT MOTORCYCLE'S.  All that being said you are at a perfect age to start learning. Try to start to prove to your dad that you are going to be a young adult takin on thing's with resonsibility & maturity.Then maybe you can convince him that you will be reponsible on a bike. (safe riding)

  2. To be honest, I do not blame your dad a bit. There is a funny thing i have noticed more than once in Motorcycle magazines - they have said in articles 'WHEN' you have your accident !  Note, not IF you have an accident. Makes you wonder. In just my own family group - my younger brother had a m/c accident and was in a coma for nearly 6 weeks, a cousin was killed on his m/c, another cousin has one leg 50mm shorter than the other after his m/c accident.!

    I made a deal with my son, no motorcycles and i would help him buy and insure his first car. Help, not buy for him.

    An adrenaline seeker and a motorcycle are NOT a good combination !  Your Dad is not over protective, he is sensible.

  3. I agree.  I think bike riders should be mature.  Riding a motorcycle is very dangerous.  You have to be able to keep your consentration on it at all times.  When you are young you are more likely to let your mind wonder.  Also you have already admitted you are a thrill seeker.  Stay on a dirt bike until you learn to respect them.

  4. When I was a kid my Mum said I couldn't have a bike. I bought one anyway when I was 15. Sorry Mum.

    Try and convince your Dad that there are a h**l of a lot worse things you could be doing in your spare time and spending your money on.

    When my kids get older I'll encourage them all the way if they want bikes. It's got to be preferable to sitting around in bus shelters smoking weed. and drinking WKD.

  5. I had a dirt bike when I was 8 until I was old enough to ride a road bike, everybody said that I would grow out of it, well still riding 35 years later and still loving it and still getting a thrill [over 150mph now and again]. Yes it is dangerous I've had loads of accidents , fractured skull twice had a ankle reconstructed and still have a 8inch plate in my leg. I taught my kids to to ride and they all have road bikes now.

    If you want one you will eventually get one, but make sure you learn how to ride properley. Take no notice of the Idiots who just hate bikes most of it is just them covering up thet they have no guts.

    Good luck to you.

  6. Your 12 and your already thinking of driving a motorcycle? That kinda stuff people don't even think about until there like 18 alest, unless you live in a area with alot bikers then i don't blame you.

  7. You know as a Dad who has been labeled as (Over Protective), you have NO IDEA how we worry about you!!

    Just know even though we try to be tough and protective of you, we love you.

    You best bet is trying to get him to go for a small dirt bike first, bring him to the dirt tracks. Show him other kids your age doing it.

  8. Stay away from motorcycles, Junior.  The last thing we need is another "adrenaline junkie" squidling playing Zip 'n Splat on the streets and giving us all a bad name (as well as higher insurance).

    Stick to your X-Box until you figure out what reality is.

  9. I wanted one BAD when I was 12 too.  My folks were not into dirt-biking, so I had to wait.  When I look back, the first two years of driving really _should_ be in a protective metal cage.  Your skills in avoiding accidents are very green during the first few years of driving, and a motorcycle ensures a high-cost of error.

    The cool thing is that you _will_ get older, and if it's something you still want when you're on your own, with a job and a few years of driving, then you can do it, and it's your own decision.

  10. Normally I don't buck the people here too much, but I have an idea that some 12 years old are More mature than many adults here. (not necessarily this question) but the whole idea of the kid being immature? I had a friend that was riding on the roads at 12 on an old 350 Honda. He was a larger kid than most of us and he wasn't more mature, just had parents that would let him do things. I have no problem with the age thing (12 or older) but the maturity is what we need. I have been riding most of my life off and on it seems and I was forced to mature at a younger age. I have done farm work all my life and just naturally do things the way people expect them done.

  11. Once you have passed your driving test its up to you what you get.  Your dads probably just jelous cos he's too old to get a bike.  If he's worried you should prove to him your mature enough to get a bike. Your your own person dont ever let anyone tell you what you can and cant do.

  12. i would say try getting a small bike to show your dad you can do it and befor you know it you'll be ridding with the big boys

    good luck mate

  13. well u cant get one till your 17 then only a 50cc but go for it you will have fun i have a 125 soon be getting 500 and i just love to ride the open road i have been on bikes for years and 0 accidents . most bike accidents are due to car drivers not looking sorry car drivers but they are. oh and by the way i am 50 and there is nothing better than riding a bike. just drop the subject and u dad will think its forgotten once u 18 he cant stop you so go for it have fun and burn some rubber .

  14. My father was the same, and it was not till I was 19 that I used to borrow bikes and ride them uninsured and without a licence.  A really dumb thing to do it si so easy to be caught.

    30 years on I have a Aprilia RSV and love bikling, but I would do anything to make sure my 4 sons don't bike till they are over 30.  It is really dangerous and if you seek thrills then biking will cripple or kill you.  Ask him if you can do motor cross or some competiive biking not on the road.  At least there you will have marshalls, fisrt aid and no-one travelling in the opposite direction.

  15. youre no where near ready to start riding a bike,you give the reason in your question ...."im an adrenaline seeker and love thrills"wait untill you mature a bit before going out on two wheels

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