
I want to get a black & white tattoo, will it work?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get a cartoon style black and white panda on the front of my ribs. I've heard that in some locations white ink doesn't work well. I'm going to be having my boyfriend do the tattoo on me (not professional, but he's done many tattoos). Will this work, or no?




  1. If you're light complected (like myself) the white tends to turn a yellowish/green tint with time, so they artist will usually leave the "white" colors flesh tone.  If, however, you are tanned or darker in color, the white will look fine, as long as you get the tattoo touched up every couple of years.

  2. Depending on your skin tone, white may not be noticeable or could fade very quickly.  White is also a color that tends to need a few applications to fill it in and make it really stand out.  With time white can fade or develop a yellowish or brown tint.  I would suggest to have a professional do the tattoo and help you decide whether or not white will be a good choice.  

  3. I've seen it work on some people, but on others it might not. I have a bird on my ankle and wanted the wings white, but the artist didn't do them white because he said it wouldn't be noticeable so he just didn't color them in.

    But anyway... best of luck with the tattoo! :)

  4. I don't know why it wouldn't I have never heard of white not showing up  you should call your local tattoo places and just ask them like you were going to them and if there like yeah we can do that then tell your BF and im sure he can do it alot of people who are not "professional" are still really good so im sure he knows what he's doing good luck :)

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