
I want to get a dog but my dad & mom won't let me they want fish what should i do?

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I want to get a dog but my dad & mom won't let me they want fish what should i do?




  1. Thats maybe they do not have time to take care of a dog. Dog require as much attention as normal babies, while you are just thinking of playing with the dog your parents are thinking of who is going to take him for walks? who is going to feed him? obedience training etc. Try to understand their point of view

  2. do you have a job?

    your own house?

    a income?

    What, you don't...then no dog for you!!

  3. Start looking for a really cool fish.

  4. I have had 2 dogs, and several aquariums of fish. I think the fish are actually more work. I had a 10 gallon tank with no more than 10 fish in it, and you'd be surprised how often you have to clean that tank or else it stinks to high heaven. Plus there's green algae growing on the sides, the fish jump out and die on the carpet, the pumps are noisy, food and chemicals are expensive, tanks leak, and fish constantly die for no reason. Plus when you have to clean, it is such a pain to catch them with a net and put them in a storage tank while you work. They are very good at dodging the net.

    On the other hand, with dogs, all you do is feed them, walk them, brush their fur now and then, housebreak them, take them to the vet. They are more intelligent, more fun, and live longer than fish.

  5. show them how responsible you are.if you are very low on the responsibilty thing then you better learn.taking care of a dog takes a lot of time and money.maybe your parents arent finacially ready.try raising up money to buy the dog then try raising up money for some dog food and get a job or them that you can take care of a lots of research and give presentations.lame but it will impress them of how much you are devoted to getting a dog.make up a schedule as to how your new family member will fit in.Like wake up at 6:00am-take doggy outside,go for a jog,etc.

  6. Not much you can do!

    Your parents are in charge until you move out!

  7. Get them the fish....that is what they want.  

  8. Having a pet is a huge responsibility. I always wanted a pet as a kid but i too was not allowed. When I finally did get a pet dog I realized why my parents had been refusing to get me a pet all along. A lot of time and energy goes in keeping a pet at home. It's almost like getting a baby home so someone should be with the dog 24/7. Don't get me wrong I loved having him around but I always felt guilty for leaving him behind at home whenever I used to go out.

    My point is that you should get a pet only when you are completely ready.  

  9. Umm you should stop asking for a dog. Your parents make the rules, pay the bills and are the ADULTS, they get the final say when it comes to what pets are in the household.  

  10. Taking care of a dog is the most challenging job.But fishes don't require much attention and maintanance . You better opt for an aquarium.

  11. u shud get a catfish ! i wish we had DOGfish ... but they dont exist !  

  12. you shoud buy both of them. but dogs are the best compannion.

  13. my parents also not allowed me to get the dog but i brought it & today they are the one who love him a most. so just get the dog & tell them you are responsible enough to take care of dog.

  14. Tell them that you are going to adopt from the animal shelter.....and that you will be saving a life.  

  15. Get fish, it's their house.

    Once you have your own place, a job, and your own money, you can get the dog you want.

  16. Get dog when you have your own money

  17. Make them understand that you  need a buddy ..   whom you can play with.. you cant take fishes out to roam .. you  cant play with them .. you cant  cuddle them  and express your love  for them..

    With fish  your life would still be the same.. but a dog will make you  much more happy person..

  18. actually this is really a bit of confusing question

    its really depends on u r status in the home

    also the tems with u r parents

    anyway u show them doggie movies,also dress them the uses and advantages of a dog in a house ( i guess u know already)

    and also show them the disadvatages of breeding fishes

    rest is in u r hand

    Good luck  

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