
I want to get a fish pond. is there any way of keeping Koi during winter w/o breaking ice every day?

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can the water be heated w/o hurting them? like what horse owners do w/their water tanks?




  1. koi ponds need to be 4ft deep for the fish to successfully over winter in a pond. if a pond ices over for a couple of days (although the fish should be monitered daily) should have no ill effects to the fish at all. if its for longer periods then you have several options. a pond heater can be added, this doesnt warm the whole pond it just keeps a small area free from ice.

    another way is to place a ball on the pond to keep a small area free from ice.

    what i tend to do in the winter is keep the pump running, but move the pump up near the top of the pond close to where the water returns from the filter. this still allows warmer water to stay near the bottom for the fish but creates a more closed curcuit filter flow. the returning water will prevent the entire pond freezing over ( also has the benefits of keeping the pump freely working sometimes pumps seize up wen left off for long periods). never break the ice ,this sends shock waves through the water which has the potental to kill the fish, if a pond does ice over ,a can with hot water should be put on . this will slowly melt the ice under it.

    koi slow down in the winter months and consume less oxygen, so if some of the pond is iced up for a while it ok.

  2. why bother leave you precious outside while you can keep them indoors during winter many already do this to avoid problems and lost.

    But you can use heater but you need many and divided in all areas. the low here you have to pay higher electric bill.

  3. make sure the pond is deap enough and if it does ise over break the ice on top. if you wanted you could put a high voltage heater

  4. yes you can use a stock tank heater but shouldn't need to as long as the pond is deep enough and doesn't freeze solid the koi will be ok it it ices over

  5. pond has to be deep

  6. Hi, I see your problem if you wouldn't mind spending at least 100-200 dollars then you could go ahead with buying a pond heater it will help in the long run

    Hope this helps


  7. Dig the pond down to about 4 to 5 feet deep, and make sure that the water is circulating - have a water fall or fountain, and it should not freeze.  You can also add an aquarium heater and stick it at the water line.

  8. you don't break the ice. ice forms on the surface but not underneath. sometimes you can see them swimming underneath the ice :)

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