
I want to get a haircut before school starts but im to scared to ask my should i ask her??

by  |  earlier

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how should i tell me mom i want a haircut?




  1. well it's your hair and you should be able to do whatever you want with it.

    if your mom doesn't give you that freedom then she's controling you too much. yeah i know it's only hair but it's your hair. my mom said to me that it was my hair and if i'm happy with changing it then she's happy. she let me get red highlights and next year i'm getting blue. wait. let me get to the point. the point is, if you want a haircut then get one! so just ask your mom during dinner. or if you're too scared then ask her when she's in the shower that way she can't give you any glare and you can get out of there fast. say: "mom i want a haircut before school starts. is that alright? cause i think that i should get one." now if she says that you don't need one tell her to either think about it or tell her that you insist." hope that helps!

  2. "mom, i want a change this year, can I get a hair cut, it's only hair, it will grow back"

  3. I would start out with complaining that your hair is boring.  And then suggest that you get a haircut.  And then start rambling off reasons why you should.  Say the reasons u want it and u'll pay for it.  

    She shouldn't have a problem with it.  And if all fails tell her, "Fine, I'll just cut it my self then......

    She might stop you or she might not.  SO grab a pair of scissors and march where she can see you and cut peices at a time off like this:


  4. Just tell her. Say that you want to look new and fresh for when school starts. Or say that if you get a haircut, it'll probably uplift your self-confidence. It's not lying, because it probably will boost your confidence. She will probably understand. Good luck.

  5. "mom, can i get a haircut?"

  6. "Mom, Im pregnant. Ha, just kidding, but seriously I need a haircut."

  7. well does your mom not like getting haircuts or something..dont worry some moms are like that but just explain that you want a new look and your hair is too long and want a haircut and im pretty sure your mom will mom did and so my hair is how i like it..

  8. Why would you be afraid? Just say mom I need a haircut

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