
I want to get a job working as a stewardess on a motor yacht.?

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I was busy at work setting up a meeting with coffees and sandwiches and general refreshments all day and one of the men said to me later that I would make a great hostess on a luxury cruise yacht.

He could have just being nice but as I am winding down with work anyway (as I am going to travel to Borneo, UK and Europe) I decided to look it up to see if this is something that I might investigate as a job to do for a while to gain some experience in a different environment.

Has anyone worked as a stewardess or as part of a crew on a luxury motor yacht? And if so what is the best way to go about getting a job on one?

I would really appreciate any feedback that anyone can give.





  1. If you are looking in the private mega-yacht segment there are several agencies that specialize in recruiting, staffing, and training of mega-yacht crewmembers.  You can't just cruise (pardon the pun) on down to the docks and ask for a job on "Octopus" or "Limitless", you won't even get close.  (If you pursue this career you will soon know who these ladies are...)

    Go to the local newstand or bookstore and buy an issue of "Power and Motoryacht", "Showboats International", "Yachting", or similar (there are several great magazines dedicated to the private mega-yacht industry) look in the classifieds....there are ads for agencies you can call.

    Also, check out or     Both can get you started.

    Be forewarned, if you are young and eager to visit some neat places you may enjoy yourself; however, depending on the boat, owner, likelihood that owner will charter, etc you may find yourself sitting dockside most of the year OR, you may find yourself working 20 hours a day and living in a 6x12 cabin with a roommate you can't stand.

    As a rule of thumb, it's a job that younger folks get involved with for a few years and then move on after the novelty wears off.  I have many friends that work on some of the largest private yachts in the world and they all say it's something they can't do for long.  If you want some opinions and a vacation at the same time, spend some money and go hang out for a week at some of the "yachtie" hangouts like Lady C's in St Martin, Foxies in the USVI's, etc.  Go talk to the crews, you can always tell who they are....good looking, tanned, and drinking heavily!!:)

    Good luck!!

  2. I live on mine and have been 30 years or so i did know a few folks that worked out of Melborne FL that loved it you should find a job link at any of ther home pages i hear that Disney is the best for the treatment of the employees

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