
I want to get a kitten???

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I want a cat and i dont know how to convince my mom to let me. My sis got one for her birthday. and my birthday was a month ago. How do i convince my mom???




  1. compare yourself to ur sibling and always ask y....ex: y does she get to have a cat and i can' works for me:)

    good luck :)

    happy b-lated birthday

  2. First get a list of cons and pros. What is the good part about having a cat? What are some bad things about having a cat? If you come up with more pros than cons, maybe she will say yes! If she still says no, look at your situation. Do you have the time to take care of a cat? Ask why your sister gets a cat and you don't. Demand an answer. If she still says no, say "Please, please, please, please, let me have a cat," a million times. Maybe she will get tired of it and let you. I saw that in the simpsons only bart and lisa did it to homer. lol  

  3. If you live with your sister set a good example & help care for her cat to start with to show you are dedicated, they may reconsider? They may worry about introducing a new cat in case it dont get on wiv your sisters cat. Or 2 cats may b too costly 4 them

  4. Show her that you are responsible enough to take care of it. If you don't have a job get one. If you not old enough, do some extra chores around the house. (to show you can pay for it)Or school is starting, set a reasonable goal like if you get good grades, or don't miss any days. Might work : )

  5. you can go to near by shelter or vet clinic you can get a cat/kitten there, keep it for a couple days, show your mom you can take real good care of it!  thats what i did.

    good luck

  6. Ha! I had the same problem. Lucky for me my mother is a sucker for cuteness. Anyways, try hinting to you mom about how a good and responsible owner you would be to a cat in need. For example, tell her about all the kitten alone and homeless in the shelters.  (Don't forget to use your puppy dog eyes!!) If that doesn't work...try the underhanded ways....

    Some shelters will allow you to take a kitten home for a few days to see how you like him/her. Try this and then shower your mother with the kitten cuteness!!!! <3

  7. tell her for your  birthday you just want to visit an animal shelter. Then, when you get there, and she sees those beautiful cats needing a home, well, you will be bringing one home, thats for sure.

  8. I have 5 kittens that we're trying to give away to good homes...If your mom ever decides to let you get one...e-mail me and you can have first pick..

    P.S. they are really cute, and spoiled rotten  =)

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