
I want to get a new pet but i dont know what to get. Opinions and reasons please :)?

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guniea pig

hermit crab




---- i am allowed any of the above but i ahve to amke th e decision and i am only allowed one unless it is a small pet like a bird or a rodent :)




  1. Definitely a cat.  They are loving, funny, playful, cuddly, fluffballs but only need food and water. Some of the others are very high maintenance.  

    If I had a rabbit it would be trained to live indoors.

    Guinea pigs are lovely pets but they only live for 3 years.

    Rats and mice are nocturnal and will keep you awake at night.

    A horse will need mucking out twice a day - imagine that on a freezing cold wet day and then having to come home and shower and change before you go to school/work ?

    Dogs require a lot of exercise and discipline.

    I cannot think of any negatives for cats.  I wasn't into cats before I had my own - now they are my most favourite pet and I cannot imagine not having one in my life. I am writing this with a gently snoring cat draped across me who my heart is absolutely full of love for.

  2. I would get a rabbit.

    There are some small breeds out there that don't get bigger than 5 pounds and are really sweet animals. I have a lionhead rabbit that is a smaller one and they are beautiful. They are really sweet too. The best thing about a rabbit is that the smaller ones can be litter box trained. Once their trained (which usually doesn't take too long. Mine picked it up pretty quick.) they are simple. They love to run around and are pretty fun to watch and play with. I love my bunny she is amazing! They are really beautiful animals.  

  3. I would have to say a pair of rats. :D

    Not only are they VERY intelligent animals but they are very easy to take care of and they get attatched to their owners unconditionally. You can teach them tricks like coming when they are called or pushing certain buttons. You can take them practically everywhere because they are so small.

    They will make you laugh. xD They've got such wonderful personallities and they come in so many different colors and varieties. They also love to be cuddled and interacted with. They're also a conversation piece as, not many people own or love rats.

    Many don't like them but they are more than worth it. I own 10 rats at home. <3 And whenever I'm feeling blue they cheer me up so.

    Ultimately. :D They're outstanding pets.

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