
I want to get a promise ring to promise not to have s*x before marriage?

by  |  earlier

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now i know nothing of promise rings

so is there a special place to get one

are there certain symbols

or can i just get any ring any where and say its a promise ring





  1. my friends have them and they got them through church

  2. Geez, that's one promise I wouldn't be able to keep, nor would I agree to.

  3. yea ok that will work!

  4. you don't need a ring my friend (or not friend)

    you just need a good mind and a true promise to yourself

  5. Are you talking about a purity ring?  Try your local Christian book store.  Or go to  Good for you!!  Be proud of yourself.  It is a wonderful thing to do for yourself and your partner.

  6. sounds weird to me

  7. Hi,

    Any ring will do but just be aware that sexual experimentation is a normal part of becoming an adult, don't let a piece of metal stop you from having s*x if you decide that you want to, and that you are doing it with the right person.

    Your personal relationships and s*x choices are not the church or your family or anyone elses buisness but your own.

  8. My friend had a promise ring, i don't think theres a specific type of ring out there.

    Hers wasen't to promise not to have s*x though, hers was just something special between her and her partner. I think she said to was to promise he would take care of her and so on..and that was a lie.

    Goodluck to you though.

  9. It's a course  you take at church called "True Love Waits" and then you get a ring at the end.

  10. jewellery shop or pawn shop.

  11. Why not be genuinely mature and not need to rely on a piece of jewelry to keep you honest?  tru character comes from thus, not from an adornment.

    Promise rings are just a commerialistic, quasi-religious symbol.

  12. Many people had promise rings but still violated their vows. I think what is important is to really hold on to the vow whether you have a ring or not. May God bless you for your desire not to have s*x before marriage amidst the temptations.

  13. I have a promise ring...though I'm a guy but my girlfriend has one too and it's just a simple gold ring and on the inside it says "Myself, God, Family" symbolizing who she has made that promise to.  It's not what the ring looks like; it's only matters what it means.

  14. A material thing such as a promise ring will not help you keep your vow. Only you yourself can do that.

  15. I don't know about promise rings and all....

    And living up to promises comes from holding back temptations so you can buy any ring and promise to Whatever you believe in(god for many people) and not do what you promise yourself that you wont

  16. there is a group called "True Love Waits"

    they have a huge sellection

    and btw..good for you!

  17. I think I saw some on Ebay.

  18. OMG i have one too! i have so much respect for u that u have this moral! here is a link to promise rings online ( and i know they r kinda expensive so if u don't want to get those there would prob be some at any religious store. God bless!

  19. Well i got mine at James Avery!

    They have the "True Love Waits" ring but you can get any kind of ring you want and anywhere you want and say its a promise ring!

    But i would suggest you get one that reminds you of the promise you made to God! Like a ring with a cross or the christian fish! Or one that says "True Loves Wait!"

    Those are just suggestions! And you can also take it to your church to get it blessed!

    Good luck and hope you find one you really like!

  20. Most people get them at church since its pretty much a religion thing for them. But if your not religious then I'm sure you can just get a simple band and maybe get it engraved with something like I promise or true love waits and just make sure you keep the promise. I don't think you personally need a ring to have the promise for yourself. I mean yea that's cool your gonna wait but do you have to broadcast it? They're just kinda pointless to me. It's not like people who decide not to wait have a necklace that says true loves doesn't have to wait or something... but that's just my 2cents

  21. Yeah you wanna do it like that miley cyris girl huh... LAME!!!... I do not know how to spell that chicks name!!!... i dont care i dont like her!!!

  22. Aren't they called Purity Rings? Anyway, here ya go...

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