
I want to get a small tattoo of angel wings beind my right ear .. ?

by  |  earlier

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but I can't find any that are cute or that would look good behind my ear? please helppppp lol




  1. i really dont think it would look any good  

  2. HAHA weird  

  3. Tell your tattooist what you want. Angel wings are easy to draw up. But before you do that, go to the library, and check out some books on angels. If you find a style you really like, he won't have to do any guesswork, and it'll save you time and money.  

  4. cute angel wings with heart

    tribal angel wings:

    good line drawing for tattoo of angel wings:

    pretty 'not so common' angel wings:

    I like the lines in these wings, they could be easily used as a tattoo:

    These might be too elaborate, but I liked them and just had to share:

    good luck with your choice.

  5. nothing against tattoos,( i have one) but a good rule of thumb is never get a tattoo where a judge can see it

  6. draw up some of your own ideas and take them to a tat artist they will help

  7. that would be ugly. lol. serious think about it. who wants to look at wings on well behind ur ears. u probably couldnt get a job with that.  

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