
I want to get an apartment in a couple years...(details inside)?

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I want to get everything first, my plan is to adopt a 2 or 3 year old child.

What should I get for my apartment?

Like furniture and stuff like that.

Should I ask my family (mom,dad,sister,etc) to help when the time comes?




  1. Make sure the baby's eye color matches or coordinates with the color of the sofa you buy for your apartment...

    You need to grow up A LOT before you even start thinking about adopting a baby.

  2. Noticed a few flaws in your plan:

    Kindergarten teacher requires a college degree so you have at least 5 years to go.

    I've never seen anywhere that would even consider allowing someone under 21 to adopt.  Adoption requires home studies and all sorts of scrutiny before they will place a child with you.  Simply buying baby supplies in advance won't cut it and relying on your mom and dad for transportation will probably count against you.  You would have to show that you can provide a stable, financially reliable, emotionally healthy home......not just that you want to play house with a new apartment.

    I think you'd be better off adopting a cat from a shelter or volunteering at a day care.  Adopting a child is a life altering decision and should not be entered into lightly or with this type of grand delusions.

  3. nice thoughts, but I think you need to grow up a bit first. Get an education, a job, a car, a house or apartment. Before you even think of adopting. Steer clear of drugs, drinking and any police trouble. Volunteer at a YMCA or youth club, or youth group or school, or girl or boy scouts, Big sisters.  Having a proven track record of working with children is a plus when you are young and single trying to adopt.  It's good to have a support system of friends and family but you must show you can do all this yourself. As far as what you need for apartment...think about what you have at your house now.

  4. Do whatever you like

  5. You want to have 3 jobs, no need for a car - cause your parents will drive you everywhere and you want a toddler as a single parent. GREAT PLANS!!!

    Why not just make your own baby, or is that not fashionable enough for you?

  6. Is this plan endorsed by Brangelina?

    I mean, seriously.  You're 17 and in 11th grade.  Your plans right now should be centered on your future...but NOT a future with children involved.  

    Think about what college you want to attend.  Concentrate on your grades.  Having kids or even adopting is a LONG way off for least 8 years if you want to adopt.  Adoption shouldn't even be a blip on your radar screen.

    Graduate high school, get into college, decide where you want to be in life...THEN start worrying about kids.  Who knows where life will take you in the years to come?  You have to get YOURSELF settled before you can even consider bringing a child into your life!

  7. Emilie, what you want to do is admirable. Just slow down and enjoy your youth, for now.

    Justasnot: give it a rest with the "brangelina" garbage. She's in her early 30's too. Sounds like you are jealous and read too many rags.

  8. two to three year olds, in the foster care system, have been through a serious trauma of losing their mothers and fathers. Children available for adoption come with the extra necessity of knowing about infant separation trauma and studing how it can effect a child.

    Starting reading some books, Journey of the Adopted Self by betty jean lifton


    Primal Wound, by nancy verrier

  9. you need to look at location and the amount of the rent.

    Two bedrooms are usually more expensive than 1 bedrooms.

    Do you want a balcony?

    Ask if the parking space, and the hydro and gas and water is included in the rent.  If not, then that will be an added expense.

    Ask if you can have pets (if you want any)

    find the apt first, then ask your family for help in donating furniture and pots n pans and stuff.

    If you are just starting out and they can't help you, you can always go to Salvation Army and buy used furniture and stuff.

    Adoption is not always easy.  You may have to wait a few years for that to go through.

    Make sure you have a steady stable job and start a savings account that you will not touch until you really really need it.

    There are so many other expenses - like phone, cable, car ins, car payments, food, clothing, etc.

    good luck

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