
I want to get another dwarf hamster but I don't know?

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My dwarf hamster just recently lost her baby. She seems so sad. Should I get her a friend to play with. She is the sweetest dwarf hamster I ever had. She doesn't bite or anything bad. I don't think they would fight. My hamster does seem to be feeling a little bit better, but well should I get her a friend?




  1. you probably shouldnt get her a friend. hamsters dont do very well with others, unless you raise them together. all you can do is treat her kindly.

  2. Hamsters are also emotional and this is very natural for the mother hamster. Leave her for a week to get over her sadness. Hamsters generally have short memory (especially dwarfs) and she should spring back to normal in a week. If she does not, try to make life interesting for her by playing with her often so that she is occupied. Some simple games to play include -

    Spread her food and hide treats in her bedding instead of putting food in a food dish. This would make her burrow and search for food instead of eating mechanically from her food dish and occupy her for some time.

    Give her a variety of toys to play with. By toys, I do not mean the expensive ones you get in pet shops. Your hammy would be equally or more happy with inane things like empty toilet toll tubes, toothpaste cartons with flaps cut off or even hollowed out plastic balls (non toxic plastic should be used). I even remove the base of Starbucks coffee cups to make simple tunnels for my hamsters.

    Make a hamster proof room area where she can roam around freely with no danger of escaping. I use the bath tub in my house - dry it out completely, plug the drain hole and make her roam in the tub. To make it even more interesting, put some of the above mentioned simple toys and maybe a stand alone exercise wheel there and leave her there for 20 minutes and watch her have fun.

    Hamsters when active will definitely snap out of their sadness and I am sure within a few days, you will see your active and happy hamster once more.

    Trying the company of another dwarf hamster is also a good idea but since there is only 50% probability of her accepting her new company, better to try out the above tricks before going out to buy a new hamster.

  3. Well if she seems lonely i guess get a guy hamster so they can get along easyly but if you got a girl they would probably fight cuz they didnt grow up together thats wht happen to me so i had to give it away

  4. I personally think it would be a good idea to get her a friend. The loss of her ababy probably left her quite crestfallen. Maybe you should wait a little bit before getting her a friend. Maybe she just seems depressed after the loss. If you wait a little more and she is really quite sad and lonely then get her a friend. If they dont happen to get along (the new hamster doesnt get along with yours) then you can either return him, keep him in a seperate tank, or return him and get her a different friend.

    It is your decision whichever you think would be best for your hamster. ^^

  5. I would get her a friend but go to a pet store that lets your bring your pets (Pet Smart) and ask if you can see how the other one reacts when she is introduced to the new one. I have 3 pets rodents (of the rat breed) and i got them from a breeder down the street that gives them to her friend's snake, I saved my first two by adopting them then the male rat they were using to breed with their female was sad and didn't feel like making any more little pups so he was going to be fed to a snake, we got him and introduced him to his two surviving sons and he is happy healthy and he is old but is showing signs that he would if he was one year old (rats live to 3) he is 3 almost 4.

  6. Well for starters, unlike Syrian hamsters, you can keep more than one dwarf hamster in the same cage. The reasons are really very similar to choosing a Russian hamster. Keeping Dwarf hamsters is really very similar to keeping Syrian hamsters, although there are some small differences - in particular the kind of cage that you can keep them in.

    Dwarf hamsters can be split into three categories:

    Campbell's Russians, Winter White Russians (also known as the Siberian hamster) and Roborovskis.

    If you want to do this, it is best to buy a mixed s*x pair of hamsters from the same litter and keep them together from day one.  Dwarf hamsters are just the most adorable pets, they are great to watch and great to hold, they never fail to amuse and though their lives are short, every minute is rewarding.

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