
I want to get away!?

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I have not gone very far in my life. Geographically I mean. I am at University and initially wanted to travel further. The University I attend is only 5 miles from my home, which is pretty good becuase I live with my friends and get the best of both worlds.

I am 21 years old and I cant imagine settling down for the rest of my life in the area I live in. Dont get me wrong it's a very beautiful area but I want to see more of the world! I also have a boyfriend that I love but I dont want to be tied down.

Am I being ungrateful? Help I feel so old! I want to travel in the holidays....




  1. You don't say where you live.  The US is a great place to visit or live if you are not in it already.

    But do consider Costa Rica.  It is a beautiful (touristic) place.

  2. no you are not, andbetter now that you are single and free, best way to do it is to go, see this beautiful country of ours, you will find, that the more you travel the more you will appreciate that place you call home but travel now cause if you don't you probably won't get to it until much later in life

  3. travel any way the wind takes you! =^)

  4. no way dude.

    see the world while you can

    Im off to Malaysia next week..... bon voyage!

  5. well you are young and now is the time to go out and experience stuff, but i can tell you if you seriously love your boyfriend it will be hard to leave him, trust me!!

  6. You have opportunities now that may never come again, I say take advantage of it. It could give some amazing stories to tell your grandkids about some day.  Have fun!

  7. Ufo good place to go!!

  8. Travel is so so cheap these days ,people go all over the  world for a weekend hen party or shopping trip so surely even with ltd resources you can get away  

    it tends to be cheaper stasying abroad than in the uk

  9. Where do live????

    in south africa or overseas?

    But france would be a great place to see oneday!!!!!!

    Hope it helps!!!!
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