
I want to get better at spiking.....?

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ok so my last seasons coach absolutly hated our team. he dilbruptly sabotased it. iv been a hitter for like 5 years and he pulled me out to pass which i suck at and he knows i hate it. and then he put all the short people at the net. so i missed out on a whole club season of doing what i want to do with my volleyball career. but im going to like 20 camps this summer and every body else is going to be better cuz they have been hitting for the past year non stop. so how can i help myself catch up before the end of july. and i dont have somebody that can help me so i need to do it by myself.?.?.?.?




  1. Hey! Don't get your hopes up just keep practicing with a willing friend an you will get the hang of it sometime or another! Best of luck!


  2. Take a washcloth and hold it in your hitting hand. Practice your approach and when you get to the top of your swing snap your wrist and drop the washcloth. It will help with your approach and snap.

  3. yea!

  4. well thats kinda the same wit me but im just now joining and wat i do to get ready since my sisters wont help me i just hit the ball in the air and try to bunt it or i just throw it again the house or a wall andywhere and when it comes back to me i bunt it cuz i love bunting you can do that to but instead of bunting just spike it.

  5. I kinda have the same problem. I need to get better at hitting to make varsity. Definitely work on your jump!! The higher you jump the better your hits will be. I don't know about you, but my vertical jump is like a foot, and I'm a short Volleyball player.

    What I do to practice is get a few tennis balls, or some kind of kinda small ball, do your approach and jump act like your hitting the ball, but only snap your wrist and let go of the ball in your hand.

    Remember, the point of hitting isn't trying to get the ball all the way across the court, but down fast and hard so the other team can't dig it.

    Good luck!

  6. i had that problem when i was starting volleyball, all you need

    to do is practice everyday, snap your risk so the ball goes

    down. And watch the ball.

    start on not jumping on your spikes!

    good luck , i hope that worked for you(=

  7. ok like they say practice last summer i waz really bad i thought i would never ever b a volleyball player...... now i can spike all the way across the room..... what u do is take the volleyball and bounce it by spiking it then act like its someone u dislike and hit it hard it always helps for me........

  8. You can purchase (or ask your parents to) a cheap practice

    volleyball, these are very cheap and can be used on any

    outside surface.

    If you have to - you can practice by yourself, with an

    outside wall, like in a carpark? area - but a backyard

    can do? Like against a brick or concrete wall, etc.

    If you can toss the ball into the air, and spike

    it - so that you can confidently spike the ball,

    that will help you a lot.

    Be sure you are using a good technique, such as the bent

    elbow which straightens for your spike - also add extra

    wrist movement, upon contact with the volleyball - your

    wrist curls over, adding spin to the ball.  This is very

    useful, keeping your spikes in court, and the ball will go

    any blockers or even the net.  With a lot of regular

    practice - throwing up the ball like a set - going forward

    and spiking it --- you will automatically go towards any

    semi decent set and spike it confidently.  With extra

    practice, you can spike to different areas of the court,

    and start varying the height, and position of the ball,

    so that you can handle any kind of set.

    You really need to practice with

    a friend or two (you don't need a net) - then you can dig,

    set and spike at each other - or simply pass the ball to

    each other.  Hang out with volleyball friends - dig, set

    and spike at each other - you don't need a net to do this.

    A lot of practice like this, will increase your ball

    handling skills, and doing saves, etc etc.  You can greatly

    improve all by yourself or with friends - because it is

    the amount of practice time, that will give you better skills

    than anyone else - who has not practised as much.

    Be sure it has

    the right air pressure for you - that you can press your

    thumbs at least 1/8th of inch into the volleyball.

    Too much air pressure and it will be very hard.

  9. to get better at spiking u have to oncentrate on many things. first you have to make sure that when you hit the ball you flick your wrist so the ball has lots of top spin on it and it is harder to pass. second make surre that your approach is right(left, right, left, jump, and swing). then wait untill the ball leaves the setters hands and then start your approach.make sure that when your hit you hit on the top of the ball.try to jump as high as u can so u gete on top of the ball and snap down on it. a good drill to do is take a tennis ball and do your approach up to the net jump as high as you can and then throw the tennis ball over the net. it helps with jumping high and snaping your can also find a gym where they will give you private lessons. that would help alot all those things and you should get a good hit.

  10. This is what my coach told us to do to get better at spiking.

    1.they key is a high jump.

    Build your leg mustle (sp?)... By squats, running stairs, jumping boxes (wich is what we did at practice), Fast jumps ( jump with youer knees in from of you.. hit your b***s is you have to)... that will build leg mussle.

    2.Practice hit.

    Throw it up in the air and hit it lightly with your palm (wich is where your supposed to hit it when you spike) when you have that down start hitting it hard. Then have somebody set it to you.. jump and spike.. practice that.. if you have nobody to spike it to you throw it high up agint a wall..


    Practice approach!!!!!! do it all the time.. as much as you can!!!!...... and if you dont know what approach is its how you approach the ball to spike it.....Left foot right foot.. feet togther in the air and jump....


    i hope i helped...

  11. i have no idea. the first time i played volleyball like in gym class i spiked it and got yelled out. everybody was like holy c**p a little 4 foot kid just spiked that.

  12. i kind of had the same problem....i have always been setter on my team, but then for the first time ever i was moved to right side in club this year. Now i love to hit and always have, but i was also always the one and only setter so i never got to...what i did was i would go in my back yard, and basically practice the basics...approaching...practice squaring your shoulders and trying to pick a spot to aim at( this is very important)....practices arm swing........another drill that i love and feel just practically helps with everything(for me it helps most with hitting) would be PEPPER...this game as of hitting helps with placement, control, and just killing the ball!.........

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