
I want to get bigger because I'm playing football next year, what are the best/safest supplements to take?

by Guest34422  |  earlier

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I'm 15, about 5' 11" and 150 lbs. I want to be able to grow to my full height and not experience any bad side effects from supplements or anything, but i want to get as strong and fast as possible too




  1. A whey protein powder to mix for shakes. Get a cheap $15, 28-serving tub from Wal-mart, and have two shakes per day (one in the morning, one post-workout). That alone would give you 100 grams of protein, and combined with your diet, should give you over 150 grams total.

    Eat a lot of food. Like 3500 calories and make sure they are healthy calories, too. But a piece of cake now and then to sneak in an extra 300 calories never hurt anyone.

    And lift weights 4-5 days per week.

  2. I recommend sticking to a good multivitamin with plenty of whey protein.

    Workout intensely. Workout each muscle group twice a week max (I only work out each muscle group once a week).

    Some may advise taking creatine, but this only adds water weight and you will lose all your gains once you stop taking it. Plus, it's pretty expensive and you have to drink ridiculous amounts of water with it.

  3. just eat healthy foods and stick to whey protein, dont take creatine or anything like might want to put some weight for football but no worries i was the same weight when i was your age and now im 18 an at 182 and also 5'11. just work on your speed right now, get your 40 yard dash as low as possible. Also dont hit the weights to hard espicially on squats because it can stunt your growth, just stick to like 45's on each side and do 5 sets of as many reps as you can. Hit the weights hard when you turn 17.good luck

  4. Eating healty food would be the best option, supplements like the name says are only to supplement and are no substitute for solid meals. Having said that u should take a carb+whey shake after ur workouts

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