
I want to get custody of my child back from grandmother?

by  |  earlier

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i gave my mother who is the child grandmother temperary custody of my child and now she is telling me she has full custody even though i was never contacted by her or anyone from the court. i want him back now




  1. If you never went through the court to give her custody and you are a fit parent, then you have rights to get him back, she cannot take him from you like this, do not give up, call a lawyer, or go to domestics, to see what your rights are, and most importantly, walk a straight line, do not give reason for her to have anything on you to use against you as a parent.

  2. You need to ask her to show you the paper work as you were never informed then get yourself some legal advice incase you have a fight on your hands.  Hopefully you will work it out, and try to take him back gradually for his sake.  A few nights with mum a few nights with grandma if that's possible if she is going to fight for custody this might not be possible.  Good luck it is a awful process.

  3. go see a lawyer quick and ask them what are your options. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS

  4. why did you give up your child to begin with? were you too young or un able to care for your kid?

    we need the whole story

  5. Did u leave for a period of time and have no contact with your mother in regards to your child becuae i think in some states your mother could have went to court to get her without your consint if you werent able to be located in a sense they consider it abandoment and the person with temp custody can do this

    contact a lawyer find out where your mother went to get this done and check with that court it is public record you can find out for sure.

  6. Think if this is fair for the child first.  You upset the routine and the bond that they have.  Children who are moved from one home to another have attachment disorders.  If this will work out ok, ask to see the papers and contact an attorney.

  7. ok. i am going through this same situation right now. my god daughter at birth was givin to my aunt (her grandmother) and now her mother all of a sudden wanted her back. her mother probably saw her own daughter 20x tops within 18 months of her being born. she NEVER called, NEVER bought anything for her daughter and NEVER gave a c**p to even check on her own daughter.

    now why would u want to take ur child back? ur child is used to living with its grandmother and u taking it back can really mess him up.

    my god daughter was a size 4T and 18 mos when her mom won custody back. she is now 26 mos and she fits into a size 6-9mos clothing. we're now in the process of taking her back to court even though "supposedly" the doctor says shes in perfect health and shes just getting taller. if you ask me, she should be getting taller and fatter.

    she cries hysterical when she has to leave my aunt and all it does it breaks EVERYONES heart except the mothers.

    you should REALLY consider your childs well being. where were you when the child woke up in the middle of the night? or when the child was sick? or when the child needed things? the grandma was there for all of it and you werent so why put the child through h**l?

    you're being selfish.

  8. Why did you give your child up in the first place? What is in his best interests?

  9. it depends on the reason she has him if there is no court order as the child is yours you can just walk in and take it

  10. talk to her or see a lawyer

    it would depend why you gave your baby to her  and how responsible you are

    good luck

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