
I want to get emancipated from my parents asap and i already know all the steps and etc. but i need fin. help

by  |  earlier

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i am looking to get emancipated within the next few months. I will start working next week at $8.90 an hour 15 hours a week. I was wondering if i did get emancipated is there some kind of program or government help i can get because i am going to have a tough time financial wise to pay for my apartment and food clothes etc. I live in CT so if anyone can point me in the right direciton that would be great




  1. if you cant really take care of yourself then i doubt you can get emancipated.

    seriously, why you they let you do that if you cant do things on your own? it wouldnt be right.

  2. You can't be emancipated if you cannot support yourself.  

  3. Well first of all, do you have a good reason? If you dont, no government agency is going to help you. :)

  4. OK, this is going to sound pretty cold, but here goes:  If you are a minor and you can't support yourself, then you don't have any business being emancipated.  You're asking for government help -- basically, you are asking for welfare.  Why should I, as a taxpayer, pay for you so that you don't have to live at home any more?  

    Learn to take care of yourself if you're so hot to be emancipated.  What you are suggesting is trading being taken care of by your parents to being taken care of by the government.  It's a lot more humiliating to take welfare than it is to live with your family.

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