
I want to get highlights..? need advice now !?

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I'm thirteen and my hair is a really sandy/honey blond, kind of in the chestnut family if you know what i mean and it has red undertones. If you don't know what I mean nvm lol. What I really need help with is, I'm getting my hair cut today and I really,really, want some nice subtle light blond highlights My parents think hgihlights are too expensive and don't want to take me to the salon every month. Is it really that expensive? They also don't want me to ruin my "nice, naturul hair." I need help convincing them to let me get them.




  1. They won't ruin it if you use deep conditoner. They're kind of expensive. Mine are $80 for the whole head or $35 for the top layer

  2. some highlights are expensive and some are not. and you don't need to go to the salon every month. my highlights lasted for a year. i've gotten highlights 3 times so far. so i've gotten 3 years worth of highlights. they're awesome! this year i got red highlights.

  3. well.. you don't need to go every month to the salon, but if you're desperate, don't use sun-in or stuff like that. that's damaging too. just put lemon juice in your hair, like, spread it around the top layer of hair until it's a little damp, then spend an hour or two in the sun. the i would suggest shampoo and conditioning... this would totally dry out your hair!actually not that much, but still, all the same, if you do that, shampoo and condition after!  

  4. you could have your mom do them for you

    and it could cost you like ... 10 dollars

    i dont understand how sandy honey blonde is chestnut

    also if you just want subtle blonde highlights it wont cost as much

    aaaaand also there are ways you can ask your hair dresser to do highlights so that your roots dont actually show because they arent on the very top layer

    and ALSO if your hair is pretty much blonde to begin with you definitley wont have to go every month at all

    probably only every couple months at the most because your roots wont be noticeable

    good luck

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