
I want to get into a bit of trouble?

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I'm a 16 year old boy. I'm really bored. My friends and I are looking for a bit of adventure tonight but we cant think of anything. We don't care if we get into trouble. Any ideas?




  1. YES. how about trying to be normal and not go looking for trouble? Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.

  2. Wow. And your avatar dont look like you 16.

  3. dry ice, dish washing liquid, and a five gallon bucket with water

  4. Why don't you wait till it's like 11:30 then run

    down the street banging pots together !!

    Or go to a beach and hang out ...... light a fire

    not your friends !  catch some fish.

    Go to a cinema and crowd it with heaps of your

    friends, then charge in side  without paying ?

    make sure theres no like GIGANTIC bouncers first!

    Be prepared for some to get caught but not all of you

    so have plan B set up to meet later.[if you decide to stay

    for the movie]

    Get some dye from a chemist and dye each others hair

    a bright colour *

    Get a loud speaker and drive down the streets at dustk

    withe one of you yelling Vote for ninkenpoop or whatever

    at peoples usual dinner hour !

  5. go tagging houses. steal a car. try to get in a club or a strip club. find a hooker and you know. i dont know what else

  6. one night it was my friends 17th birthday so at like 2 in the morning we road are bikes down town and broke into one of those fancy looking hotel's swimming pool...lets just say it was awesome!!!

    soo yeah do something like that and someone always ends up topless hahaa

  7. you can always play that board game trouble.

  8. Egg someone's tree.

  9. call me up =]

    well i live in a party city, new orleans, louisiana.

    so my friends and i like to go to the french quarter.

    we just egg peoples houses, toilet paper their houses and trees.

  10. egg some houses, toilet paper some trees, take a paper bag of s*it light it on fire and put it on somebody's doorstep. then ring their doorbell and run.

  11. Sounds like a PBR night

  12. try to sneak into a school, or your school, and mess around

  13. Me and the lads have a good game.  Its basically hide and seek on quad bikes. The five of us all have a bike and a mobile phone and one person gets a two minute head start to go and hide the rest of us then go and hunt him down, once he is found we phone each other and meet up so someone else can have a go.  we usually limit it to a certain part of town that we mark on a map before we start. the high streets good.  Its good fun but the police have lifted us on several occasions because we were riding on the pavements, had balaclavas on and were shooting sea gulls with an air gun.  Not to mention that we don't have driving licenses yet.  It impresses the girls and other people our age who are out getting pissed when they see us shooting about on 1000cc quad bikes.  We are all 16 and play this most friday nights when were oot.  I'm from scotland so that would be the reason for some words or phrases you might not understand.

  14. go to a teens club, or some place that teens frequent

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