
I want to get into backpacking and I think Im going to go on a 2-3 day trip but have no idea what i need?

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I want to get into backpacking and I think Im going to go on a 2-3 day trip but have no idea what i need?




  1. umm this wont be a complete list but here it goes

    sturdy boots/shoes


    lots of water

    an emergency kit

    a fire starter

    basic knowledge of where you re going

    a pocketknife

    high energy food

    a spare change of clothes

    this is a really basic list, and i probably forgot tons of stuff.  you'll best tell someone where you re off to, and how long you ll be gone. be safe!

  2. You may or may not need to take a tent. This depends on what type of weather you might encounter. If you do need one, find a really good light weight tent.

    Sleeping bag and a ground pad

    Map of the area you will be hiking through

    Compass even if you are bringing a GPS unit

    First aid kit, some good compact ones can be found at most sporting goods stores


    Water filter so you can replenish your water from streams or even ponds

    A small mess kit for cooking and boiling water

    A couple of full changes of clothing

    A spool of nylon twine comes in handy for all sorts of things

    Some sort of can opener if bringing canned food. I use an old style "P-38" like the ones that used to come in military combat rations. It hangs on my key chain.

    Food. Canned food is the easiest and cheapest but the cans add weight. Dehydrated food for backpacking are available as are MRE meals. These are more expensive but much lighter too.

    A small one burner stove and fuel. This can be the compressed gas type, sterno type, alcohol fueled, or some other type.

    Matches and/ or disposable lighters. If campfires are not allowed due to wildfire danger, still take them! If there is a problem and you must signal for help, you may need to make a signal fire to get an emergency response. Don't rely on a cell phone because you may not be within range of a cell tower.

    A good knife. I always have a pocket knife but also carry a belt knife.


    Insect repellent!!!!!!!!!

    Those are the basics. If going out for the first time, don't go alone! Also tell someone reliable where you are going and when you plan to get home. That way, if you don't show up in a reasonable time, they can send help your direction.

  3. Academy Sports has a great checklist for camping (also for hunting and fishing). Check this out:

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