
I want to get into ballet but it's not happening....?

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I want to get into Ballet because it's something I can imagine myslef doing and I've done some dancing in the past and alot of gymnastics. I've always been naturally graceful on my feet and I'm in good shape but there are two probelms. 1) I'm fourteen and it's gonna be hard getting into ballet with only doing a little contempory dance for experience (and some free style and hip hop) 2) all my friends would never do ballet and I'm nervous about going to lessons on my own and what they'll think of me wanting to do something like this.

Is it really worth going to all the trouble or should I just stick to doing freestyle, hip hop and contempory?

Please help!

Gabriella X




  1. 1. You should definitely try ballet!'re never too old to start, see if you can find a class for older beginners. My studio offers a level 2 class just for 12- 16 year olds.

    3.why do you care what your friends think? If they're really your friends they'll think it's cool that you want to try something new. besides you never know what they're actually thinking maybe some of them have always wanted to try.

    4. it is ssoooo worth the trouble, besides the fact that it's really fun, it will help you with your hip hop and especially contemporary.

    I really hope you give it a try! have fun! Hallerina!

  2. Oh i think you should go for it! I started ballet this year and im 13. Yeah, none of my friends are into that but I made one of my best friends there this year!

    I used to do hiphop and I had no trouble trouble switching to ballet.

    Besides, you don't go into a ballet studio looking perfect. That's why they have classes, so you won't be the only one.

    I think its a awesome idea go for it(:

  3. Even if you don't feel very good at it, ballet is very good for you.  There's nothing to feel ashamed about doing it, after all, you already dance, just in different styles. Expand your repertoire. 14 isn't too late if you're prepared to wing it for a bit and not know what the teacher's talking about for a bit. One of the joys of ballet is that it's generally slow enough that you can copy the girl in front and not look like you're really behind.

  4. you shouldnt care about what they think. ballet is extremely difficult and if they slag you, then tell them to try it and i bet they cant do it. ballet is really hard, its in french, and is very painfull at times but its worth it when you pass exams. it shouldnt be hard to get into ballet, all you need is dedication and a good pain threshold.

  5. If ballet is something you really want to do than go for it. It shouldn't matter what your friends think. And anyway how do you know your good at something if you don't try it in the first place.

  6. ballet is a different type of dance from freestyle, hip hop and contemporary. It requires a lot of stamina and concentration. I guess it's a little harder than freestyle and hip hop because of its strict positions and everything. however, you should definitely go for it. i mean it helps a lot with your body and mind and it will definitely improve your freestyle, hip hop, and etc.  

  7. If you want it do it, I was 11 when I started and I started alongside my 15 year old friend!! go for it I love it!! don't miss out, I used to be bullied for doing ballet- pathetioc people, and a lot more,, but you can express yourself through ballet more than anything else.

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