
I want to get into finance, is it better to read the basics first or to read the interesting stories?

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i really like to read buisiness stories, but is it better to study the business foundations first so i'll have a better understanding of the stories?




  1. Both:

    Contains basics and stories.

  2. For sure the basics.  You need the foundation.

  3. You'd better off picking up some of the basic so that any stories you read will make a little more sense to you

    In a way you can do both, here's some reading material you may find interesting and educational

    What Works on Wall Street by James O'Shaunessey

    Beating the Street by Peter Lynch

    One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch

    The Warren Buffett Way by Robert Hagstrom

    How to Make Money in Stocks” by William O’Neil

    You should also get into the habit of making daily visits to some websites like MSN Money and Yahoo Finance.  ( )

    While at MSN following the strategy lab analysts to get a feel for what the pros are doing and why.  This site has some basic information for beginners. If any site offers free information, take it.

    Other website that can provide instructions and help with procedures and terminology are

    Investopedia -  Stock Charts -

    Some of these web sites will have advertisers who are worth looking into also.  And remember, if they offer free information, get it.

    Good luck, if you'll try you can make it

  4. i suggest... read the basics first and then the stories... coz without knowing basics.. u cannot understand what is there in a story.. i suggest u to read Kane and Able by Jeffery Archer..

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