
I want to get involved in local groups to clean the bay and surrounding waters but dont know how?

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I want to get involved in local groups to clean the bay and surrounding waters but dont know how?




  1. Contact your local soil and water conservation office.  Beyond that, try starting a group of your own.  You could use yahoo groups or gather classmates and friends.  Or you could put out flyers or even start a website.  You'd be surprised at the difference on person can make.

    Maybe you could call it the "Green Hat Society".  Have your group go out with green hats.  The green hats will catch people's attention.  If a red hat can gather people all over the country together, so can a green hat.

  2. If you want to clean the bay, go and clean the bay.

    If you want to get into a group of people who organize to pat each other on the back, join greenpeace.

  3. There should be a local game warden or fish and wildlife officer or conservation agent that could get you or your number to the right people. Your county extension office might help. check to see if there is a department of conservation where you live. start cleaning on your own. once I was in an area fishing past the time limit and a game Worden was going to run me off tell he found out I had a trash bag full of litter I picked up. He said I could stay as long as I wanted. You start maybe someone will follow.

    There are litter bugs even in caves. I know I clean up after them.

    Happy Caving Carroll

  4. We live near a lake. We (all our neighbors) just clean up after the tourists everytime we go down to the lake with our carts. It is amazing how rude to the environment people are.

    Just go clean. Don't need to be a groupie.

  5. If you live in SoCal, you can go to Heal The Bay at and find opportunities.  If you do not live in SoCal, but live in an coastal area, google "marine mammal rescue" and see what you can do to help in that area.  If you live away from the oceans but near a lake, find your local fish and game warden.... or just take a large plastic bag and start picking up trash... every little bit helps.  take extra bags and when someone says, "hey what are you doing?" give them a bag and invite them to help.

    You can also check out the websites below to find specific groups in your own area where you can volunteer.

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