I'm 23 years old, I have a 22 month old son, and I've been engaged for almost 2 years now. At first my fiance and I didn't have enough money to get married, so we decided we would wait and save up some money for our wedding (instead of borrowing money from the bank).
So now we've decided that we have the necessary funds for this wedding, but the problem is, I don't even know where to start! All those websites on planning weddings, don't really give you any idea of what you should do first, or how to go about setting anything up, so I'm sorta lost in the whole process.
We don't want a big wedding, and don't plan on inviting alot of people. We probably won't get married in a church because neither of us are really religious. I also don't know what we should do with our son since he is too little to be a ring barer or anything like that. Helllllp! lol