
I want to get married to a foreigner

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i have been dating my(Turkish)boyfriend for quite a while and we have decided to get married. the only problem is he is a Turkish citizen and i am a Canadian. is there any special forms i have to fill out for us to get married in Canada or if i decided to get married in turkey is the marriage legal here ?




  1. First: If you live in Canada, please DO NOT call someone else a foreigner. Unless you`re of native descent, ALL Canadians are foreigners... doesn`t matter how many generations you`ve been here for.

    Secondly: you need to have official documentation to prove your marriage. You need to get an immigration lawyer (don`t get a consultant, find a real lawyer) to help you sponsor your husband.

    Check the Citizenship and Immigration website and call them for details. They`re very helpful:

    Good luck!

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