
I want to get more horsepower, can anyone help..?

by Guest57033  |  earlier

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Hello, I own a 1998 nissan maxima 5 speed, I think Is's a SE or GLE. Can anyone advise me on how to make my car faster. My budget Is low but the car Is fast. Please, If anyone can give me tips to make better horse-power, It will be great. The car Is fast on 1'st, 2'nd and third gear. Is there anything I can do to make more power. Name of the products or just do It my self at home prefered. My budget Is low so I need advise. I love the car, just want It to be way faster. Much appreciated. Any websites or do It at home. I thank you you In advance. Please help. Thank you.. Bottz...




  1. There is no way around, requires more money, the more money you put in the more horse power you'll get out.

    I suggest you if you want fast car, get another job even temporary to save enough money and get twin turbo charge kit. And get biggest wheel possible. Get aerodynamic body kit. Lower the car as low as possible. Put a large twin exaust pipes. and don't  forget to get a large real spoiler.

    Also keep your car waxed and shine like diamond, it'll help to cut through air effortlessly. Well, have fun.

  2. try a aftermarket air intake.

    they are usually sporty to see under the hood and can boost from 5-12HP. its simplifing the engine really.check with a mechanical savvy friend or your general mechanic whether your engine will function correctly without a sensor and oxygen element or two.

  3. go n buy a huge *** off supercharger!

  4. Some cheap ways new air-filters (K&N), headers, muffler, spark plugs, those will only mod it by like 5-10 tops.

  5. Best answer is to go one the maxima forum.I can give you a list of mods like induction kit,decat,catback,cams,remap ecu etc etc.

    But without the best parts to use and part numbers and best and safest places to buy these parts from it would be half info.Also each mod effects different things so your best adding which ones are best and needed to be done at similar times.

    Great forum.

  6. Dollars=horsepower. Keep that car stock 10 year old motors like the way they have been driven and other then a air intake exhaust system. Leave the power adders for when you can rebuild the motor. Some Dynometer tuner shops can coax some power from the car with fuel maps and timing curve reprogramming. You have a great car for everyday commuting. Stock Maxima is very reliable start wrenching on it it might not stay reliable. Wheels tires sway bars make it handle like it can and in several years rebuild the motor with a Supercharger and cams and low compression pistons. Or wait until some one adapts a wrecked VQ35DEHR motor from a 2007 350Z to a Maxima. That's 307 hp.

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