
I want to get my 8 yr old daughter into acting.......?

by  |  earlier

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what are the steps that need to be done???




  1. its not your decision its hers.

    and anyway if she doesn't like it shes not going to act good.

  2. Have you considered if she wants to act?

  3. where do you live?..........if you live in California or New York this makes it easier. there many private teachers. you just have to find online or yellow pages.

  4. You should first try getting her enrolled in some acting classes, that way she'll learn some techniques on how to audition and stuff like that. Then from there, maybe try getting her an agent so she can get more jobs! Good Luck!

  5. Community Theaters provide wonderful opportunties,espescially for kids. (Some theaters even have acting camps or lessons provided for a fee.) Plus there are always older actors willing to mentor newer ones.Have her try it first, then see if she's really into it enough to pay for lessons and an agent.

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