
I want to get my Latin teachers some nice presents. Ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I want something really nice and that they can keep for a long time and remember me specifically by. Obviously nothing too expensive but I really want to thank them since they helped me realise my passion in life wasn't maths but the ancient world.




  1. The nicest thing you can give your teachers is a letter saying thank you. Be specific about what you liked about the classes, and tell them what you just said here about how they helped you to understand your passion for the subject.

    Your teachers will treasure the letters forever. They are much more meaningful than a gift you buy.

    If you are good at art, you could make a pretty card (maybe with pictures of the ancient world) and write your letter in it.

  2. The typical gifts that I see appear on here all the time are such things as:

    A mug that relates to the teacher's specialty, in this case, Latin.  A cute Latin phrase would could have it made.

    A nice pen/pencil set

    Paper set with their name and office title on the top (From the desk of .... )

    Apple paper weight made of brass or something

    A Latin unique paper weight, such as a Pi or something

    An embroidered Latin phrase, nicely framed

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