
I want to get my belly button pierced but...?

by  |  earlier

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Well ..

I'm 13 and i really really really want to get my belly button pierced , my mum would allow it and so would like my mums side of the family but my dad and his side of the family won't allow it , my god mum said she would slap me if i got it done , i don't think she really would because she has never so much as shouted at me in my life ! Anyway i really want to get it done but my god mum is worried about the infections and because my ears went weird when i got them pierced she is worried what will happen about my stomach ! I really want it ! Please help it will be appreciated !




  1. Don't do it. You are 13 so what advantages is it going to bring you apart from the fact that you think it's cool. There are so many risks to it anyway and it's really not worth it.

  2. If you do it...what can others do right? But hey, if an infection occurs, be ready to pay for the doctor and meds yourself...and don't forget, infections *can* get out of hand...and if you end up with some rare fungal infection good luck. That's right, if you're not prepared to pay for these unexpected events, listen to your parents.

  3. Hmmm....If your ears got infected then theres a good chance your belly will too. But its your body and its your choice what to do with it :) My parents didn't like me getting mine done but I did and I'm really glad I got it done too.

    Plus they've got used to it now :)

    So ask you really want your belly button pierced?

  4. It's up to your mum and dad nothing to do with your godparents.

  5. Belly button rings do get really prone to infection. When I was in the 7th grade a girl got hers pierced, and it looked like a huge infected pimple, for ages. In any case, it IS up to your parents, but if you have a god mother that has never once shouted at you, and wishes the best, why push it by doing something she really would not like. Besides, you're only 13. You might regret it later and what not. If it was me, I would wait for a few years before doing anything like that.

  6. I don't blame your mom and your godmom.... because now you'll probably be dying to do it but i'm pretty sure that sooner or later you're going to regret it. It actually can also affect your health if not done right. So do you want to disappoint your mom and godmom and take a risk? Your choice...

  7. well it does cause heaps of infections and stuff but then again they look really good... i guess the option is jst wait till ur a bit older...

    since ur mum doesnt mind but ur dad does...

    i woulndt be alowed cz of the infections and stuff


    hope this helped

  8. exact same with me. i think im just going to get mine done because what can they do? they wont like rip it out or anything?

  9. If your mom said yes then who gives a s**+.t what your god parents think? they have no right to slap you or stop you from getting it done.

  10. Why do you want to look like a cheap w***e? You're 13 - you want to be a target for paedophiles?!

    If I was your godmother I'd slap you if you had it done - you're a CHILD!!

    Why is it that kids want to cheapen themselves these days...?

  11. 9/10 Belly button piercings always get infected !

    Stay away from Non-Piercing shops such as a stupid advertisement in a shop window saying piercings from £10 In Blah Blah Blah.

    Infections are very dangerous when getting ANY piercings. If the needle is not cleaned / Sterilised properly you could get HIV.

    If you do get it pierced and the woman wants to pierce it with a gun get up and leave the shop , Piercing guns are only for ears .

    Personally your to young i would leave it.

  12. I wouldn't get it done if i were you :/

    I am 14 and when my older sister was 14 she got her belly button done.

    I thought it looked lovely and my mum said when i turn 14 i can get mines done. A few months passed and my sister was cleaning it every day but is got infected and her skin hardened around the bar O.O So she had to go to the doctors and they had to remove it which was a slow and painful process. My sister is now turning 19 and she has a hole above her belly button that is black. After that i have never wanted to get my belly button done because it ruined how her stomach looked and when we go swimming she is always trying to hide it.

    It got infected because she was cleaning it TOO much, which shocked everyone because most people say theirs got infected from not cleaning it enough.

  13. Yeah go for it if your parents are ok with it! If it does get infected its not even bad, just a bit "gunky"! It well worth it and not that sore to get it done :) X

  14. dont bother yet, wait till your in college

    and if its any consolation, if your skin is sensitive to piercing, and you get it pierced anyway it stings like h**l for days so id wait if i were you

  15. if you get it dont professionaly at a good place and you take care of it and clean it, then it shouldnt get infected. you also want to make sure the ring is hypo-allergenic and is made of a good material and not some crappy metal.

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