
I want to get my dads boat painted as a gift how much will it cost??

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it is a 16' long 5'6" wide 2'6" tall aluminum SUN TRACKER year 1995. it needs no body work all i need is a ball park figure of how much it will costfor a quality paint job. Thanks!




  1. 100 $$$$$

  2. You need to talk to the ship yard or body shop that is going to do it, rather than asking here on Answers because an Aluminum boat need special preparation and THAT can be expensive.  If the person doing it does not know what they are doing, the paint can start coming off in a year or less and your father won't be too happy with that.

  3. fiberglass or aluminum with no existing paint/ also - any cracks in existing fiberglass should be repaired first or will show in the finish. The 19 ft fiberglass I had done cost 1000,  5 yrs ago. - with some minor work done. It was also painted just from below the bow up - painted on the trailer.

  4. I would recommend  you stay away from anyone charging less than $500 as you want a quality job. In painting cars or boats the preparation is most important. (sanding etc) or it will soon start to peel.

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