
I want to get my get my lip pierced but....?

by  |  earlier

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I can not have face tattoos at work. Can I use a clear plastic retainer for the 5-6 weeks it takes to heal?

How visible are they?




  1. Don't, please.  It looks cheap and tawdry on anyone, but especially on girls.  You don't want to be known as what I'm thinking you will be if you do it.  

  2. When I was younger, I had my lip pierced for about a year.

    I was not allowed to wear it to work and in sports.

    I tried many of the plastic pieces, but it was impossible for them to stay in place. I would always forget to take them out when I was eating and i'd end up swallowing them.

    Eventually when it healed, I just took the stud out for work and sports.

    If you can get away with it, which may be pretty impossible, wear the metal piercing (you can get some pretty small ones that are hardly noticeable).

    And, at least with piercings you can always take them out if they don't fit suit... My old lip piercing healed over perfectly.

  3. Dont! lip piercings Dont look good on women!

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