
I want to get my tragus pierced?

by  |  earlier

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Painful? And is it true you get major headaches for monthes after?




  1. mine didn't hurt at all!

    and who told you about headaches?  i haven't had any headaches at all!

    and a tragus piercing is one located on the tag connected to your head between your lobe and your upper ear.

  2. everyone pain tolerance is different some have high and some have low

    when i got my navel done i didn't feel anything honestly. i plan on getting my left tragus done next week.

    all piercings hurt no matter what you get done some hurt more then others but its all what you like though and sometimes its worth the pain.  

  3. wth is a tragus?

  4. mine wasn't painful at all i hardly felt it, mine hurt the same as a normal cartilage piercing, but it's different for everyone, and it's not true about the headaches, i've had mine for months and i'm fine.

  5. I had mine done three days ago, and personally I did not experience much pain. But of course, this differs from person to person. The headache rumour is 100% untrue, FYI. Hope you go through with it as there is not much pain and it looks beautiful afterwards. Just remember to clean it well with sea salt solution otherwise it could get infected. Oh, and try not to sleep on it!

    PS. If they freeze it, you can hardly feel anything, and I didn't hear my cartilage pop/rip either.

    -Those of you who don't know what the tragus is, it is the little clump of cartilage attached to the side of your head.

    Hope this helps you! :)

  6. i don't think it's true about the headaches

    it will hurt when it's being pierced, and after it will be sore. if you're wanting to pierce both of them do one at a time and wait til it's healed to do the other side because you can't sleep on the side you pierce. make sense?

  7. Tragus? sounds dirty to me.

  8. i heard that its pretty painful because its pure cartilage.  also my friend got hers done and when they put the needle she heard a loud crunching sound. but she never said anything about headaches.  i guess you should get it if you can tolerate pain

  9. Im guessing it will probably be pretty painful and sore when you get it dne and for awhile after but Ive never heard of having headaches. My friend has both hers done and never had a problem. If you really want it a little pain is worth it. Its a good idea to have something sugary before you go or shortly after, sugar helps with the shock. Im not really sure why but its does, and you will have a little shock!

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